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adgaudio /
Created March 17, 2021 10:18
Guided Filter supporting multi-channel guide image and 1 channel source image
PyTorch Guided Filter for multi-channel (color) guide image and 1 channel
(grayscale) source image
import torch as T
import torch.nn as nn
def box_filter_1d(tensor, dim, r):
cs = tensor.cumsum(dim).transpose(dim, 0)
adgaudio / download_all_pretrained_pytorch_models.ipy
Created August 15, 2019 21:29
A quick hack script that uses ipython to download all pretrained pytorch models
# this is a quick ipython script to download all pre-trained pytorch models.
# run like this:
# ipython THIS_SCRIPT.ipy
import torchvision as tv, types, os.path
# get list of urls ... in a brittle way.
x = {k: v for dct in [getattr(y, 'model_urls') for y in (getattr(tv.models, x) for x in dir(tv.models)) if isinstance(y, types.ModuleType)] for k, v in dct.items()}
// these double forward slashes are comments. you can write whatever you
// want in the text after the double slashes.
x = 10;
y = 20;
z = 5;
cube([x,y,z], center=true);
cube([x,y,z], center=false);
adgaudio /
Created February 21, 2018 21:31
Install tesseract and leptonica from source
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script installs leptonica and tesseract from source
# it does not install other pre-requisites to a custom location.
# side note: install prefix is defined once per library.
# side note: it clones git repositories in the current directory.
set -e
set -u
adgaudio /
Last active December 19, 2017 20:16
A weighted counter that remembers the most frequent and recent pairs on a 2-color graph.
import java.util.HashMap;
/* A weighted counter that remembers most frequent and recent pairs on a 2-color graph, where:
* - any pair (a_i, b_i) contains elements a_i from set A and elements b_i are from set B. A and B are disjoint.
* This counter basically implements a recurrence relation to maintain scores for each pair:
* score = memory * prev_score + (1-memory) * (+/-)1
* "memory" is a value between 0 and 1 chooses how much history history to take into account.
adgaudio /
Last active October 24, 2016 23:25
This gist demonstrates that spark 0.9.1 (and I'm guessing also 1.0.0) don't serialize a logger instance properly when code runs on workers
This gist demonstrates that spark 1.0.0 and 0.9.1
don't serialize a logger instance properly when code runs on workers.
run this code via:
- or -
import pyspark
adgaudio /
Last active December 15, 2015 07:18
SSH tunnel through a gateway to another machine. I know there are plenty of implementations, but none I found just worked and returned a "localhost:port" string like this does. I've been using this successfully for several months with no problems. However, I have noticed that sometimes, --encrypted is required (this may have something to do with…
"""SSH tunnel through a gateway to another machine.
python ./ -h
>>> import ssh_tunnel
>>> ssh_tunnel.main('gateway_username', 'dest_host_addr')
adgaudio /
Last active December 15, 2015 05:19 — forked from robbyt/
Inspired by This StarCluster plugin grants all tcp, udp and icmp privileges for between the current cluster's security group and the given security group, in both directions for cidr block This would be particularly useful for using StarCluster within Amazon VPC.
Based on
This StarCluster plugin grants all tcp, udp and icmp privileges for
between the current cluster's security group and the given security group,
in both directions
from starcluster.clustersetup import ClusterSetup
from starcluster.logger import log
# Tmux Configuration
# By Alex Gaudio
# April 15, 2012
## Unfortunately, the osx system clipboard integration sucks. But there's a well documented workaround.
# OS X: pbcopy and pbpaste workaround from ChrisJohnsen
# code available at:
adgaudio /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Distributed Percentile and Distributed Median - a proof of concept and example
This example demonstrates a distributed algorithm to identify the
percentile of a distributed data set.
Because this is a toy implementation, the data isn't actually
distributed across multiple machines.
import numpy as np