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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am adklempner on github.
  • I am arseniyk ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBeafayZjk7hugN6h0qvn1yU670MLJbwdCpmkL2QLY4Wwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

* These hooks are called by the Aragon Buidler plugin during the start task's lifecycle. Use them to perform custom tasks at certain entry points of the development build process, like deploying a token before a proxy is initialized, etc.
* Link them to the main buidler config file (buidler.config.js) in the `aragon.hooks` property.
* All hooks receive two parameters:
* 1) A params object that may contain other objects that pertain to the particular hook.
* 2) A "bre" or BuidlerRuntimeEnvironment object that contains enviroment objects like web3, Truffle artifacts, etc.
* Please see AragonConfigHooks, in the plugin's types for further details on these interfaces.
adklempner /
Last active May 13, 2020 18:19
Research Collective Staking Mechanism


An Aragon application which creates a vote to mint an ERC721 once a user stakes a minimum amount of an ERC20 (in this case DAI).

User Flow

A user interested in adding a listing to the Research Collective's knowledge registry calls the contract with a URI that points to the appropriate metadata as an argument The contract transfers DAI from the sender to the contract (or the token manager address?) The DAI is minted into rDAI, with the interest going to the DAO (probably Agent, double check how interest is redeemed in rtoken). A vote is created to use the Agent application to call the mint function on an ERC721 contract.