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New decade predictions

  1. There will be at least one gigantic scandal using deep fake technology
  2. China will rival, and in some cases exceed, the USA in technology and AI.
  3. There will be more regulations for new internet connected devices - the market will not successfully self-regulate.
  4. Meat will become more expensive in Western countries due to reduced demand.
  5. A human will travel to Mars.
  6. Conventional cryptography will be broken and quantum-resistant cryptography will be deployed.
  7. New TVs will ship without antenna ports.
  8. Computer chips will go back to being multiple discrete chips (but stacked or packaged in some way).
@a = "using code-block"
puts @a
@a = "using code-block ruby"
puts @a
ERROR: object '/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: object '/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
46565.290:0008:0009:trace:module:load_builtin_callback loaded ntdll.dll 0x1104f8 0x7bc10000
46565.290:0008:0009:trace:module:load_builtin_dll Trying built-in L"kernel32.dll"
46565.291:0008:0009:trace:module:load_dll looking for L"ntdll.dll" in L""
46565.291:0008:0009:trace:module:load_dll Found L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ntdll.dll" for L"ntdll.dll" at 0x7bc10000, count=2

The Thinkpad T23 feels like a classic laptop. I spent too long trying to install an OS, though.

So here's a tip that'll save you time. In the BIOS enter the boot menu and press CTRL + ENTER on entries that are marked with a + symbol. This will expand the specific list to show the USBs that are attached. USB disks will appear under "Hard drives" and not "Removable disks". Make sure the USB disk has a higher boot priority than the main disk.

Since it's USB 1.1 the speed will be extremely slow when loading the installer. However, I noticed that the USB works fast enough for a Wi-Fi adapter.

Ubuntu on a tablet

Where to begin?

SO it's technically possible to use Ubuntu on a tablet. It can even be nice once you get used to it.

But the defaults are simply AWFUL.


# Assuming you use network manager
# wpa_cli
> scan
> add_network
> set_network 0 ssid "WLAN-Network"
> set_network 0 psk "Passphrase"
# dhclient wlan0
timeout 5 qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -serial mon:stdio -append 'console=ttyS0' -kernel /vmlinuz &> foo
wc -l foo
rm foo
echo "timeout 5 qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic -serial mon:stdio -append 'console=ttyS0' -kernel /vmlinuz > foo" &>
chmod +x
#!/usr/bin/env bash
FILE=$(realpath ~/.ssh/config)
while read -r name
where n=4 and char=space
echo "foobarbazblargblurg" | sed 's/.\{4\}/& /g'