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adrienmo /
Last active September 11, 2015 04:37
Convert result of common_test into XUnit format for Jenkins use
#Output file
#Jenkins ignores the testsuite properties, we add manually the header for the testsuite with arbitrary data
echo '<testsuites><testsuite name="App Name" tests="1" failures="0" timestamp="2012-08-23T14:40:44.874443-05:00">' > $JUNIT_FILE
#Assume there is only one run of ct_run in the logs folder
cat logs/*/*/*/suite.log |
sed '/=case \|=result/!d' |
sed 's/^=case[ ]*\(.*\)/<testcase name="\1">/g' |
adrienmo /
Last active June 20, 2021 09:21
Logstash output to Sentry plugin + logstash configuration example

To install the plugin you can create a folder for logstash plugins, e.g. :


Be sure you respect logstash requirements about the plugin path "$PATH/logstash/TYPE/NAME.rb", e.g. :


Then start logstash manually with the options :

adrienmo / take_redis_sorted_set.lua
Created February 1, 2016 09:52
redis script to take atomically N elements from a redis sorted set according to score and limit
-- This script allow you to perform the following hypothetical operation in a transaction :
-- ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max LIMIT 0 count
-- ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max LIMIT 0 count
-- LIMIT on ZREMRANGEBYSCORE is not supported at the moment, this script resolve it
local keys ='zcount', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2]);
local count = math.min(keys, ARGV[3]);
if count == 0 then
-- This script allow you to get an incremented unique integer id from a string
-- EVAL "SCRIPT" 1 key member1 -> return 1
-- EVAL "SCRIPT" 1 key member2 -> return 2
-- EVAL "SCRIPT" 1 key member1 -> return 1
-- EVAL "SCRIPT" 1 key member3 -> return 3
local nb_keys ='zcard', KEYS[1]);
local score ='zscore', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);
if score then
return tonumber(score);
adrienmo / reverse_lookup_geolix.ex
Created September 25, 2017 01:33
reverse lookup for geolix
defmodule Location do
require Logger
def create do
id: :city,
adapter: Geolix.Adapter.MMDB2,
source: "/test/GeoLite2-City_20170905.tar.gz"
adrienmo / nash-proxy.pac
Last active November 10, 2020 02:56
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*"))
return "SOCKS5; SOCKS; DIRECT;";
if (isInNet(host, "", ""))
return "SOCKS5; SOCKS; DIRECT;";
return "DIRECT;";