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advorak / test.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
require 'active_support/all'
module Asdf
def, options)
classified_connection_name = connection_name.to_s.classify
self.class_eval <<-EOF
class #{classified_connection_name}
%w(aaa bbb ccc ddd).each do |letters|
class #{letters.classify} < #{classified_connection_name}
// I have a bunch of inputs[type=text] that contains the following ids: #name, #address, #city, #state, #zipcode
// $current will be set to the input#name field.
$current = $('input#name')
// I want to select all $('input') but omit the $current .. how can I do this?
// how can I chain these two 'on' functions? I'm not sure this is working correctly ...
$('input#hospital_name, input#address').on "autocompleteselect", (e,ui) ->
alert 'selected'
.on "autocompletechange" (e,ui)->
alert 'changed'
json_object.is_a?(String) # Returns true if json_object is an array, else false
json_object.is_a?(Array) # Returns true if json_object is an array, else false
case json_object
when String
#do something here if string
require 'prawn'
def name
# When I don't specify a block variable, @name is neglected and the output
# to a pdf file is (approximately): "\nmore text"
pdf = do
text name
def view
@ibs = <<-EOF
this is a test
1 2 3
4 5 6
#=> "this is a test\ntesting\n\n1 2 3\n 4 5 6"
require 'prawn'
define_grid columns: 3, rows: 1, gutter: 0
3.times do |i|
grid(0,i).bounding_box do
# How can I the left and right borders with a line size of 5
# and the top and bottom borders with a line size of 1?
advorak / ERROR
Last active December 10, 2015 06:58 — forked from RemiBa/ERROR
NoMethodError in OrderitemsController#create
undefined method `stringify_keys' for #<Order:0x2c630a0>
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/controllers/orderitems_controller.rb:11:in `create'
%td This is cell 0,0
%td This is cell 0,1
%td{colspan: 2}
%td This is a cell on its own in a table all its own.
advorak / Calendar.cfm
Created May 21, 2012 06:40 — forked from anonymous/Calendar
<table border="1" width="100%" height="100%">
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="7">
<cfset firstOfTheMonth = createDate(year(now()), month(now()), 1)>