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Created September 13, 2020 00:16
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task management system
sprite $bProcess jar:archimate/business-process
sprite $aService jar:archimate/application-service
sprite $aComponent jar:archimate/application-component
rectangle "実行系" as TM <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "情報系" as Rev <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
TM -> Rev
Rev -> TM
rectangle "リマインド" as Rem <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "本気になる" as Dec <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "いま・ここ" as Act <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "記録" as Rec <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "思い出す\n気づき" as Remember <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "最新化" as Wisdom <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "リピートタスク" as Rep <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "タスク開始" as start <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "タスク終了" as end <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Nozbe" as nozbe <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Google Calendar" as gcal <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "たすくま" as taskma <<$aComponent>> #Application
Rectangle "Tasklog" as tasklog <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "Daily Task List" as dtask <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "WBS" as ptask <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "Idea List" as idea <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Evernote" as evernote <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "asana" as asana <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "instagantt" as instagantt <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "見積" as Req <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "受領" as Recv <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "納期回答\n予定調整" as Ack <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "提案" as eng <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "約束" as engagement <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "Inbox" as inbox <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "Calendar" as calendar <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "リソース管理" as rman <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "調査・分析" as do <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "調査" as inv <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "構想策定" as pl <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "ドキュメンテーション" as wr <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
Rectangle "リサーチノート" as rn <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "アウトライナー" as ol <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
Rectangle "エディター" as ed <<$aService>><<behavior>> #Application
rectangle "Roam Research" as rm <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Workflowy" as wf <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Microsoft Office" as ms <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "Evernote" as en <<$aComponent>> #Application
rectangle "" as marxi <<$aComponent>> #Application
Rectangle "実行タスク全般" as dooth <<$bProcess>><<behavior>> #Business
rectangle "VS Code" as code <<$aComponent>> #Application
Act *---down-- Req
Act *---down-- do
Act *---down-- dooth
do *-down- inv
do *-down- pl
do *-down- wr
Req *-down- Recv
Req *-down- Ack
Req *-down- eng
Req *-down- engagement
Recv -Right->> Ack
Ack -Right->> eng
eng -Right->> engagement
TM *-down- Rem
TM *-down- Act
TM *-down- Dec
TM *-down- Rec
Rev *-down- Rec
Rev *-down- Remember
Rev *-down- Wisdom
Rem <-down- Rep
Dec <-down- start
Rec <-down- end
Rec <-down- tasklog
Remember <-down- tasklog
Wisdom <-down- dtask
Wisdom <-down- ptask
Wisdom <-down- idea
inv <-down- rn
pl <-down- ol
wr <-down- ed
tasklog <|.down. evernote
dtask <|.down. evernote
ptask <|.down. asana
idea <|.down. evernote
Rep <|.down. taskma
inbox <|.down. nozbe
calendar <|.down. gcal
rman <|.down. instagantt
start <|.down. taskma
end <|.down. taskma
Recv <-down- inbox
Ack <-down- calendar
Ack <-down- rman
engagement <-down- calendar
engagement <-down- rman
rn <|.down. rm
ol <|.down. wf
ed <|.down. marxi
ed <|.down. en
ed <|.down. ms
ed <|.down.code
Rec -Right->> Remember
Rem -Right->> Dec
Act -Right->> Rec
Dec -Right->> Act
Remember -Right->> Wisdom
inv -Right->> pl
pl -Right->> wr
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