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brantfaircloth / py2app.bash
Created June 14, 2010 17:10
Steps to get a working py2app
## Roll your own python from source:
tar -xzvf Python-2.6.5.tgz && cd Python-2.6.*
./configure --enable-framework=/Library/Frameworks --with-universal-archs=intel --enable-universalsdk=/
sudo make install
# Update the symlink for `python` (and check others)
Copyright 2010 Kevin Whinnery
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
jamesmacaulay / gist:860763
Created March 8, 2011 18:53
zsh hooks to growl completion of long-running commands
# long-running command growler
# hooks for zsh, built on bash version at
save_preexec_time() {
export PREEXEC_CMD="$(history $HISTCMD | sed 's/ *[0-9]* *//')"
export PREEXEC_TIME=$(date +'%s')
var TinyORM = (function(options) {
/* a hash containing all the available models */
var Models = {};
var connection = null;
var config = _.extend({
/* The name of the database which Ti will open. The local db is located at:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.2/Applications/APP_ID/Library/Application Support/database/dbname
dbname: 'add.db',
mrtazz / irssi_osx_dock.markdown
Created July 4, 2012 22:08
Shortcut for OSX dock to run irssi in tmux with iTerm2

Shortcut for OSX dock to run irssi in tmux with iTerm2


I run irssi inside a tmux session on OSX. I often close the terminal as I usually get notified by growl about important stuff. I don't want to open a terminal and write a command every time I want to check IRC.

The solution

1. Create a shell script with the following content

/usr/local/bin/tmux attach -d -t irssi || /usr/local/bin/tmux new -s irssi irssi
prabirshrestha / TextFieldChanges.m
Created August 2, 2012 13:53
Reactive Cocoa examples
@synthesize firstName = _firstName;
@synthesize txtFirstName = _txtFirstName;
[RACAbleSelf(self.firstName) subscribeNext:^(id x) { [self firstNameChanged:x]; }];
[self rac_bind:RAC_KEYPATH_SELF(self.firstName) to:self.txtFirstName.rac_textSubscribable];
- (void) firstNameChanged:(id)firstName {
NSLog(@"changed: %@", firstName);
yjsoon / gist:3485271
Created August 27, 2012 03:22
vim search Dash for word under cursor, filetype-specific
" Searches Dash for the word under your cursor in vim, using the keyword
" operator, based on file type. E.g. for JavaScript files, I have it
" configured to search j:term, which immediately brings up the JS doc
" for that keyword. Might need some customisation for your own keywords!
function! SearchDash()
" Some setup
let s:browser = "/usr/bin/open"
let s:wordUnderCursor = expand("<cword>")
tavisrudd / kinesis.txt
Created March 2, 2013 18:10
A partial list of the Kinesis Advantage / Controllermate / Emacs keybinding tweaks I've done.
Remapped on kinesis itself
caps lock -> backspace (freq use)
backspace -> right gui/windows (freq use)
left alt -> return/enter (very infreq use)
right ctrl -> return/enter (freq use)
right gui/windows -> left gui
enter -> right gui (infreq use)
viglesiasce /
Last active November 19, 2018 03:55
Monitor Jenkins Free Executors and post to CloudWatch
import subprocess
from eucaops import Eucaops
from eucaops import EC2ops
from eutester.eutestcase import EutesterTestCase
from eutester.sshconnection import CommandExitCodeException
import ast
import urllib
class JenkinsCloudwatch(EutesterTestCase):
artemrizhov /
Created October 30, 2013 15:49
This adds multiple databases support to South. Import the module in your migration. Set `database` attribute on your migration class to the alias of db that you want to use. Access the database api via self.db.
from south import db as db_module
from south.migration.migrators import Migrator, DryRunMigrator
def with_db(run_migration):
def run_migration_with_db(self, migration, database):
migration_db = getattr(migration._migration.Migration,
'database', None)
if migration_db is not None: