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Reddit DailyProgrammer Challenge #180 -- Tamagotchi Emulator
By Aerospark12 (aka Luke)
I may have gone a little bit overboard with this one, but I've got fond memories of tamagotchi from when
I was but a wee laddie, I've always wanted to make something like this, and I really enjoy graphics and animation
The design of this is partially inspirte by how I understand "low level" ICs to work, as an homage to the real tamagotchi
import mods.ic2.Macerator;
import mods.gregtech.Centrifuge;
import mods.gregtech.CentrifugeLiq; // yeah, requires GTTweaker
var andesDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2868>;
andesDust.displayName = "Andesite Dust";
var dioriteDust = <gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:2861>;
dioriteDust.displayName = "Diorite Dust";