In this assignment you're going to build an app that can predict taxi fares in New York.
The first thing you'll need is a data file with transcripts of New York taxi rides. The NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission provides yearly TLC Trip Record Data files which have exactly what you need.
Download the Yellow Taxi Trip Records from December 2018 and save it as yellow_tripdata_2018-12.csv.
This is a CSV file with 8,173,233 records that looks like this: 
There are a lot of columns with interesting information in this data file, but you will only train on the following:
- Column 0: The data provider vendor ID
- Column 3: Number of passengers
- Column 4: Trip distance
- Column 5: The rate code (standard, JFK, Newark, …)
- Column 9: Payment type (credit card, cash, …)
- Column 10: Fare amount
You are going to build a machine learning model in F# that will use columns 0, 3, 4, 5, and 9 as input, and use them to predict the taxi fare for every trip. Then you’ll compare the predicted fares with the actual taxi fares in column 10, and evaluate the accuracy of your model.
Let's get started. You need to build a new application from scratch by opening a terminal and creating a new NET Core console project:
Now install the following packages
Now you are ready to add some classes. You’ll need one to hold a taxi trip, and one to hold your model predictions.
Edit the Program.fs file with Visual Studio Code and replace its contents with the following code:
The TaxiTrip type holds one single taxi trip. Note how each field is tagged with a LoadColumn attribute that tells the CSV data loading code which column to import data from.
You're also declaring a TaxiTripFarePrediction type which will hold a single fare prediction.
Note the CLIMutable attribute that tells F# that we want a 'C#-style' class implementation with a default constructor and setter functions for every property. Without this attribute the compiler would generate an F#-style immutable class with read-only properties and no default constructor. The ML.NET library cannot handle immutable classes.
Also note the mutable keyword in the definition for TaxiTripFarePrediction. By default F# types are immutable and the compiler will prevent us from assigning to any property after the type has been instantiated. The mutable keyword tells the compiler to create a mutable type instead and allow property assignments after construction.
We're loading all data columns as float32, except VendorId, RateCode and PaymentType. These columns hold numeric values but you will load them as string fields.
The reason you need to do this is because RateCode is an enumeration with the following values:
- 1 = standard
- 2 = JFK
- 3 = Newark
- 4 = Nassau
- 5 = negotiated
- 6 = group
And PaymentType is defined as follows:
- 1 = Credit card
- 2 = Cash
- 3 = No charge
- 4 = Dispute
- 5 = Unknown
- 6 = Voided trip
These actual numbers don’t mean anything in this context. And we certainly don’t want the machine learning model to start believing that a trip to Newark is three times as important as a standard fare.
So converting these values to strings is a perfect trick to show the model that VendorId, RateCode and PaymentType are just labels, and the underlying numbers don’t mean anything.
Now you need to load the training data in memory:
This code calls LoadFromTextFile to load the CSV data into memory. Note the TaxiTrip type that tells the method which class to use to load the data.
There is only one single data file, so you need to call TrainTestSplit to set up a training partition with 80% of the data and a test partition with the remaining 20% of the data.
You often see this 80/20 split in data science, it’s a very common approach to train and test a model.
Now you’re ready to start building the machine learning model:
Machine learning models in ML.NET are built with pipelines which are sequences of data-loading, transformation, and learning components.
This pipeline has the following components:
- A group of three OneHotEncodings to perform one hot encoding on the three columns that contains enumerative data: VendorId, RateCode, and PaymentType. This is a required step because we don't want the machine learning model to treat the enumerative data as numeric values.
- Concatenate which combines all input data columns into a single column called Features. This is a required step because ML.NET can only train on a single input column.
- AppendCacheCheckpoint which caches all data in memory to speed up the training process.
- A final FastTree regression learner which will train the model to make accurate predictions.
The FastTreeRegressionTrainer is a very nice training algorithm that uses gradient boosting, a machine learning technique for regression problems.
A gradient boosting algorithm builds up a collection of weak regression models. It starts out with a weak model that tries to predict the taxi fare. Then it adds a second model that attempts to correct the error in the first model. And then it adds a third model, and so on.
The result is a fairly strong prediction model that is actually just an ensemble of weaker prediction models stacked on top of each other.
We will explore Gradient Boosting in detail in a later section.
With the pipeline fully assembled, you can train the model on the training partition by piping the TrainSet into the pipeline.Fit function.
You now have a fully- trained model. So next, you'll have to grab the validation data, predict the taxi fare for each trip, and calculate the accuracy of your model:
This code pipes the TestSet into the model.Transform function to generate predictions for every single taxi trip in the test partition. We then pipe these predictions into the Evaluate function to compare then to the actual taxi fares and automatically calculates these metrics:
- RootMeanSquaredError: this is the root mean squared error or RMSE value. It’s the go-to metric in the field of machine learning to evaluate models and rate their accuracy. RMSE represents the length of a vector in n-dimensional space, made up of the error in each individual prediction.
- MeanAbsoluteError: this is the mean absolute prediction error or MAE value, expressed in dollars.
- MeanSquaredError: this is the mean squared error, or MSE value. Note that RMSE and MSE are related: RMSE is the square root of MSE.
To wrap up, let’s use the model to make a prediction.
Imagine that I'm going to take a standard taxi trip, I cover a distance of 3.75 miles, I am the only passenger, and I pay by credit card. What would my fare be?
Here’s how to make that prediction:
You use the CreatePredictionEngine method to set up a prediction engine. This is a type that can make predictions for individual data records.
Next, you set up a sample with all the details of my taxi trip and pipe it into the Predict function to make a single prediction.
The trip should cost anywhere between $13.50 and $18.50, depending on the trip duration (which depends on the time of day). Will the model predict a fare in this range?
Let's find out. Go to your terminal and run your code:
What results do you get? What are your RMSE and MAE values? Is this a good result?
And how much does your model predict I have to pay for my taxi ride? Is the prediction in the range of accetable values for this trip?
Now make some changes to my trip. Change the vendor ID, or the distance, or the manner of payment. How does this affect the final fare prediction? And what do you think this means?
Think about the code in this assignment. How could you improve the accuracy of the model? What's your best RMSE value?
Share your results in our group!