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aficionado / metadata.json
Created January 5, 2019 05:12 — forked from jaor/metadata.json
Incremental anomaly detection
"name": "Incremental anomalies",
"kind": "script",
"description": "Adds a new dataset to a collection and computes a set of anomalies for the new, extended data",
"source_code": "script.whizzml",
"name": "url",
aficionado / JSON PML
Last active September 4, 2018 23:49
JSON PML schemas

JSON PML: schemas for models

  • model-schema.json A generic ML model, containing fields shared by most models despite of their concrete type. It uses:
    • sample-schema.json The schema for dataset sampling specifications
    • field-collection-schema.json Auxiliary schema describing a collection of field (or "properties") descriptors
    • generic-field-schema.json Properties shared by all fields, regardless of their type.
    • field-schema.json The union schema of all field descriptor types, with their specific properties.
  • tree-model-schema.json A specialization of the model schema to decision tree models. It uses:
  • node-schema The schema for the nodes in a decision tree
"name": "Merge two datasets",
"description": "Merges two different datasets",
"source_code": "script.whizzml",
"inputs": [
"name": "dataset-1",
"type": "dataset-id",
"description": "First dataset"
"name": "Tree optimization",
"description": "Script for tree optimization using SMACdown",
"kind": "script",
"source_code": "script.whizzml",
"name": "dataset-id",
"type": "dataset-id",
"description": "Dataset for which we are seeking an optimal tree"
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A WhizzML simple example
from bigml.api import BigML
API = BigML()
LIBRARY = API.create_library("(define (addition a b) (+ a b))")
aficionado / gradient-boosting.whizzml
Created May 6, 2016 12:59 — forked from charleslparker/gradient-boosting.whizzml
A vanilla implementation of gradient boosting in WhizzML
;; This is a vanilla implementation of gradient boosting. The main
;; function is at the bottom of the script, where it explains the
;; algorithm in some detail.
;; A constant added to the generated field names to let us know that
;; we generated them
(define boost-id "__bmlboost")
;; The names of the fields contain ground truth - if there are k
;; classes, this is k coluns, one for each class. If the true class
"name": "Model or ensemble",
"description": "Select the best option for modeling a source: a model or an ensemble?",
"parameters": [
"name": "input-source-id",
"type": "source-id",
"description": "Source for training/test the model and ensemble"
aficionado / one-click-dataset.json
Created May 6, 2016 12:56 — forked from whizzmler/one-click-dataset.json
One-Click Dataset from a Source
"name": "One-Click Dataset",
"description": "Create a new dataset from a source with a click",
"outputs": [
{"name": "dataset-id", "type": "dataset-id", "description": "The new dataset"},
{"name": "rows", "type": "number", "description": "The number of rows of the new dataset"}
"parameters": [
{"name": "source-id", "type": "source-id", "default": "", "description": "Source from which to create a new dataset"},
{"name": "source-name", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Name for the new dataset"}
aficionado / index.html
Last active February 6, 2016 17:34
Iso-cost lines
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