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agguro / psql_encoding.sql
Created October 24, 2018 14:23 — forked from turboladen/psql_encoding.sql
Script for dealing with creating Postgres databases that complain with: ``` PG::InvalidParameterValue: ERROR: encoding UTF8 does not match locale en_US DETAIL: The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding LATIN1. ``` ...when trying to create the production DB. Taken from:…
sudo su postgres
update pg_database set datistemplate=false where datname='template1';
drop database Template1;
create database template1 with owner=postgres encoding='UTF-8'
lc_collate='en_US.utf8' lc_ctype='en_US.utf8' template template0;
update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='template1';
agguro / sources.list
Created November 18, 2018 11:46
Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic default /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 18.04 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20180426)]/ bionic main restricted
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb bionic main restricted
# deb-src bionic main restricted
## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb bionic-updates main restricted
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| |
;| Example using FPU registers for floating point calculations. |
;| |
;| The purpose of this source code is to demonstrate on how to |
;| do floating-point operations using FPU registers. |
;| |
agguro / aes-ni.c
Created June 8, 2020 08:09 — forked from acapola/aes-ni.c
AES128 how-to using GCC and Intel AES-NI
#include <stdint.h> //for int8_t
#include <string.h> //for memcmp
#include <wmmintrin.h> //for intrinsics for AES-NI
//compile using gcc and following arguments: -g;-O0;-Wall;-msse2;-msse;-march=native;-maes
//internal stuff
#define DO_ENC_BLOCK(m,k) \
agguro /
Created May 22, 2021 14:40 — forked from Iman/
Free up disk space on Ubuntu - clean log, cache, archive packages/apt archives, orphaned packages, old kernel and remove the trash
#Check the Drive Space Used by Cached Files
du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives
#Clean all the log file
#for logs in `find /var/log -type f`; do > $logs; done
logs=`find /var/log -type f`
for i in $logs
agguro /
Created June 4, 2021 17:29 — forked from george-hawkins/
Running virtualized x86_64 and emulated arm64 Ubuntu cloud images using QEMU

QEMU arm64 cloud server emulation

This is basically a rehash of an original post on CNXSoft - all credit (particularly for the Virtio device arguments used below) belongs to the author of that piece.

Download the latest uefi1.img image. E.g. ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-arm64-uefi1.img from

Download the UEFI firmware image QEMU_EFI.fd from

Determine your current username and get your current ssh public key:

agguro /
Created June 5, 2021 08:34 — forked from ag88/
Emulating ARM on Debian/Ubuntu

You might want to read this to get an introduction to armel vs armhf.

If the below is too much, you can try Ubuntu-ARMv7-Qemu but note it contains non-free blobs.

Running ARM programs under linux (without starting QEMU VM!)

First, cross-compile user programs with GCC-ARM toolchain. Then install qemu-arm-static so that you can run ARM executables directly on linux

agguro /
Created November 28, 2023 23:17 — forked from cGandom/
Emulating Raspberry Pi 4 with Qemu

Emulating Raspberry Pi 4 with Qemu

To be specific here, we're simply emulating Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) in qemu. So it is as good for any other Raspberry Pis as it is for Raspberry Pi 4. :D

Hope it helps.

Shortcomings: No GUI yet, only console.
