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Aaron Gibralter agibralter

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it "should display the enter link" do
helper.actions_for(@context).should have_tag('a', 'enter')
it "should not display the join link" do
helper.actions_for(@context).should_not have_tag('a', 'join')
it "should not display the cancel link" do
helper.actions_for(@context).should_not have_tag('a', 'cancel')
module ActiveRecordEachBy
# This method lets you iterate over the results of a .find, in groups.
# (Basically an interface to LIMIT.)
# Anything you can pass as options to .find, you can pass here.
# Example 1:
# Order.each_by(100, :conditions => { :cc_processed_at => nil }) do |order|
# # do stuff with order
# end
# Example 2:
# Person.each_by(50, :order => 'name') do |person, index|
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
attr_accessor :current_comment
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
module Foo
def and_set_current_comment
# ...
Scenario: having current questions in multiple urtaks
Given ...
And b has seen a question in 'cat'
And b has seen a question in 'dog'
When b goes to '/about'
Then b should see the same question in 'cat'
And b should see the same question in 'dog'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
describe Admin::BaseController do
subject do do
def index; end
try {
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://...")
// stuff
} catch {
case ex: SQLException => {
val ids = List(1, 2, 3)
ids.foreach { id =>
actor {
receiver ! getAvgSigFor(pool, id)
val sigs = getAvgSigsFor(ids)
# like reddit's sub-reddits located @[name_of_reddit]
map.namespace :c, :path_prefix => 'c/:context_name' do |c|
c.default '', :controller => 'dashboards', :action => 'show'
c.resources :posts
c.resources :votes
c.namespace :admin do |c_admin|
c_admin.default '', :controller => 'dashboards', :action => 'show'
/opt/local/bin/ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.2.2/bin/spec --autospec spec/controllers/password_resets_controller_spec.rb -O spec/spec.opts
NoMethodError in 'PasswordResetsController PUT /password_resets/update re-renders the 'edit' template'
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
/Users/jeff/development/urlagg/app/controllers/password_resets_controller.rb:27:in `update'
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
named_scope :by_quality, {:order => 'quality DESC'}
named_scope :by_created_at, {:order => 'created_at DESC'}