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agroszer /
Created October 13, 2015 09:32 — forked from mgedmin/
Create ctags for the current virtualend or buildout
# Build a vim tags file for all the Python packages in the buildout path
# Assumes . is the directory with a buildout.cfg
# Note: there is no one true buildout path -- every part has its own. So
# we look for a python interpreter in bin/python (or bin/py) and use its path.
# If that fails, we try to find a bin/test script and scrape the path from it.
# Should also work with virtualenv (just run it somewhere with a bin/python)
# Published at
adi@ebi:/work/shoobx/diff-cover $ tox -e py27
GLOB sdist-make: /work/shoobx/diff-cover/
py27 create: /work/shoobx/diff-cover/.tox/py27
py27 installdeps: -r/work/shoobx/diff-cover/requirements/test-requirements-py27-py3.txt
py27 inst: /work/shoobx/diff-cover/.tox/dist/
py27 installed: astroid==1.4.4,colorama==0.3.6,coverage==4.0.3,diff-cover==0.8.6,flake8==2.5.1,funcsigs==0.4,inflect==0.2.5,Jinja2==2.8,jinja2-pluralize==0.3.0,lazy-object-proxy==1.2.1,MarkupSafe==0.23,mccabe==0.3.1,mock==1.3.0,nose==1.3.7,pbr==1.8.1,pep8==1.7.0,pyflakes==1.0.0,Pygments==2.1,pylint==1.5.4,six==1.10.0,stevedore==1.9.0,wheel==0.24.0,wrapt==1.10.6
py27 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='3029816033'
py27 runtests: commands[0] | coverage run -m nose
.......usage: python2.7 -m nose [-h] --violations VIOLATIONS
[--html-report HTML_REPORT]
"""Implementation of JSONEncoder
import re
from _json import encode_basestring_ascii as c_encode_basestring_ascii
except ImportError:
c_encode_basestring_ascii = None
from _json import encode_basestring as c_encode_basestring
"isActive": false,
"isBctive": true,
"isCctive": true,
"isDctive": false
"isActive": true,
"isBctive": true,