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Aaron Wells agwells

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agwells /
Last active October 12, 2017 23:57
Use R-style "?CMD" to pull up man pages in Bash
# Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file.
# I was inspired to do this because, after learning R and getting
# used to doing e.g. "?install.packages" when I wanted a reminder
# of the parameters list for a function, I kept accidentally trying
# to use the question mark to pull up help in Bash as well, e.g.
# "?grep" instead of "man grep"
# R-style help lookup, by doing "?CMD" for "man CMD"
# or "??CMD" for "man -K CMD"
agwells / r-random-grades.R
Last active November 1, 2017 09:05
Generating a skewed bell curve of random data in R
minVal <- 0
maxVal <- 100
medVal <- 70
numRows <- 1000000
adjMax <- maxVal - minVal
adjMed <- medVal - minVal
# Generate a vector that sets how likel
# each value is to be chosen.
agwells /
Last active November 14, 2017 23:54
My additions to my sitewide Rprofile file.
# My customized pager script. Everything below this comment block is identical to
# the R pager script installed by the R debian package at /usr/lib/R/bin/pager,
# except that I've replaced ${PAGER} with /bin/less explicitly, and added
# the -I and -X flags.
# The "-I" flag makes searches in the pager case-insensitive by default.
# The "-X" flag tells the pager not to clear the screen when it closes. That
# allows me to continue to see the help content at the same time as having
# the prompt available; which is helpful because I have the memory of a
agwells / test-php-basic-auth.php
Last active January 19, 2020 20:56 — forked from rchrd2/test-php-basic-auth.php
Ways to make a browser clear its cached HTTP basic auth credentials
function require_auth() {
$AUTH_USER = 'admin';
$AUTH_PASS = 'admin';
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
$has_supplied_credentials = !(empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
$is_not_authenticated = (
!$has_supplied_credentials ||
agwells /
Created May 27, 2018 22:52
List the available targets in a makefile
# A utility to list all the tasks in the current directory's makefile.
# Idea taken from
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/make
export _make_target_extract_script
sed -nrf <(_make_target_extract_script --) ./Makefile
agwells /
Last active November 10, 2018 22:19
Multi-package-management-system updater
# A script to run updates or check for updates, in many different package management systems
# on Ubuntu.
# When I was installing everything I use through apt alone, it was easy to keep all my
# packages up to date with "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade", or the GUI update manager.
# But now every programming language has its own separate package management system, and
# I often use these to install packages at a "global" level on my computer. It's a pain
agwells / jestExpectAlwaysFail.js
Last active January 9, 2022 18:45
Programmatically fail a Jest test
* Sometimes you want to programmatically force a Jest test failure. For example, mocking "console.warn()" to
* make tests fail if they print warning messages to the console. Throwing an error isn't sufficient, because
* the calling code may be in a try/catch block.
* Jest has no "fail()" method** to automatically trigger a test failure, but you can do it with an "expect()" matcher
* that will always fail, such as "expect(true).toBe(false)". This will fail the test, but the output isn't very
* self-explanatory. You can improve on it by providing a message string as one of the arguments:
* "expect(null).toBe('Automatic Failure!')". This is better, but the output is still a little confusing, saying
* it expected "null" and received "Automatic Failure!"
agwells / jestFailOnConsoleMessages.js
Created December 24, 2018 00:02
Make Jest tests fail if tests emit any console messages
// Fail the test if it prints ANYTHING to the console!
// Warning & log messages in test output are an anti-pattern. Also, testing
// for console messages is the only way to check for PropTypes failures
// (because all PropTypes does is print a console warning)
const realConsole = global.console;
// TODO: It's possible that some of the functions under global.console may
// have legitimate uses during test runs. If so, we'll need to be more picky.
global.console = Object.keys(realConsole).reduce(
agwells / cracli.js
Last active September 30, 2019 21:17
Executing code written for Create React App, as a CLI
* This file is the "Launch" script for running Create React App code at the command
* line. It calls "@babel/register", which is a Babel utility that hijacks
* the normal node "require()" function and lets Babel pre-compile imported
* files into Node-compatible JS before they're executed.
* This bootstraps up the fancy CRA TypeScript/React configuration (using the
* Babel config imported from "babel-preset-react-app"). Then it simply "require()"s
* some other JS/TS/JSX/TSX file, and executes it.
agwells / webpack.cra-ssr.js
Created February 19, 2020 10:35
Webpack config to compile Create React App code to execute in Node
const path = require('path');
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
const NodemonPlugin = require('nodemon-webpack-plugin');
// Directory the compiled SSR server and assets will go in
const SSR_BUILD_PATH = './ssr-build'
const originalNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
// This must be "production" for the CRA webpack config to be correct.