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"email": "",
"given_name": "Arthur",
"family_name": "Hirel",
"picture": "",
"name": "Arthur Hirel",
"apiStandardProfileRequest": {
"headers": {
"_total": 1,
"values": [
ahirel / gist:3d7f9a0610e5523dcf8f99b4d7f33310
Created April 26, 2017 00:41
Chrome JS Console Sad bug
rollup-core_required_libs.js:13 2017/4/26 02:39:45.540 Hiding the reconnection banner because we are unloading
Navigated to
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:47.110 booted! pri:0 version:1493166756 start_ms:1493167187006 (5ms ago)
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.640 _onDOMReady
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.643 session_load_count_client: 2
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.650 Connecting to: wss://…1e81c8a23a860ac&_x_connection_log=&batch_presence_aware=1&no_annotations=1
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.652 Initializing provisional MS connection and fetching rtm.start over the socket
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.663 _disabled:false
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.666 Setting calling_rtm_start to true
rollup-core_required_ts.js:1 2017/4/26 02:39:49.667 Starting incremental boot
// ObjectIDs = IDs of the{
query: documentId,
attributesToRetrieve: ['objectID'],
hitsPerPage: 100,
distinct: false,
}, function searchDone(err, content) {
if (err) {
ahirel / Schemes.js
Last active August 29, 2018 19:24
// Donc ça c'est l'exemple du scheme linkedin
// En gros, pour chaque site il faudra écrire un truc comme ça et l'envoyer dans l'interpréteur que j'ai codé qui va automatiquement prendre ce qu'on eut sur la page et l'adapter
host: '',
title: '.pv-top-card-section__name',
elements: [
{ s: '.pv-top-card-section__headline' },
{ s: '.pv-top-card-section__location' },
var express = require('express')
var app = express();
var http = require('http');
var GetPocket = require('node-getpocket');
var request_token
var config = {
<video width="620px" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" style="borderRadius: 4px; boxShadow: 1px 0 20px -10px #000">
<source src="" type="video/mp4" />
function newVersionAvailable(number, name) {"notifyUsersOnSlack", "allUsers", {
message: `A new version is available! : ${name} (${number})`
"firstName": "Richard",
"lastName": "Hendricks",
"phone": "555-242-2432",
"email": "",
"company": "Pied Piper",
"job": "CEO"