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bert hubert ahupowerdns

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ahupowerdns / gist:6595302
Last active December 23, 2015 06:39
powerdns repository idea
We often get requests for a PowerDNS package repository to ease updating. This is our idea on how we'll implement this.
There will be a repository that always gives you
1) auth and recursor from the tip of master or other branches ("scary-master", "scary-oneshot")
2) auth and recursor from 3.3.x, where we promise that updates within 3.3.x will never break ("auth-3.3, recursor-3.5")
3) auth and recursor "highest released version" ("auth-release", "recursor-release")
So to upgrade to a newer version, either:
1) just update and get whatever pain we want to inflict on you
2) update and get something that Should Just Work
ahupowerdns / botnetservfail
Last active September 17, 2021 02:57
Filtering botnets that try to use your resolver as a packet amplifier
If you note that some of your users are sending you queries to weirdly named domains
( for example), and that those queries in turn are contributing
to a denial of service attack to "nameservers" behind those weirdly named domains, this page
may be for you. The instructions are for Linux, but other operating systems will offer
similar ways to filter traffic.
PowerDNS Recursor 3.6.0 out of the box comes with settings that try to limit this attack,
but there is only so much we can do. A better way is to block or deflect traffic from those
sending the queries.

Get your own restricted shell!

$ grep restricted /etc/passwd
restricted:x:1001:1001:bert hubert,,,:/home/restricted:/home/ahu/git/secfilter/shwrap

$ cat shwrap
/home/ahu/git/secfilter/secfilt --no-outbound-network=1 /bin/bash
ahupowerdns /
Last active May 20, 2024 12:24
How to do really simple adblocking with the PowerDNS Recursor 4.x

First, clone the Mozilla focus project and make it fetch its list:

$ git clone
$ cd focus
$ ./
$ cd Lists

This delivers several JSON formatted files, of which we are going to use disconnect-advertising.json. We'll filter out the good bits using jq, and create a Lua representation:

Now we get a lookup for is it on the list? We do a binary search and end up between 2 and 3. So how do we decide if is on the list?
Walk backwards until an entry matches? When do we stop?
This setup only works if we do 4 lookups, one for,, com., .. which is exactly what we don't want.
$ git clone
$ cd focus
$ ./
$ cd Lists
echo 'return{'
for a in $(jq '.[].trigger["url-filter"]' disconnect-advertising.json |
cut -f3 -d? | sed 's:\\\\.:.:g' | sed s:\"::)
echo \"$a\",
echo '}'
) > blocklist.lua
function preresolve(dq)
if(not adservers:check(dq.qname) or (dq.qtype ~= pdns.A and dq.qtype ~= pdns.AAAA)) then
return false
"fake."..dq.qname:toString().." fake."..dq.qname:toString().." 1 7200 900 1209600 86400",
(echo return{;
for z in {1..10}
do for a in {1..255}
do for b in {1..255}
do echo \"10.$z.$a.$b\",
done ; done; done
echo } ) > filtercustomers.lua
-- optionally: adservers:add(dofile("trackers.lua"))
function preresolve(dq)
if(not adservers:check(dq.qname) or (dq.qtype ~= pdns.A and dq.qtype ~= pdns.AAAA)) then
return false