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local ffi = require("ffi")
local lua = require("luajit")
local sdl = require("SDL2")
local message_type = "struct {uint8_t*to_ptr; size_t to_len; uint8_t*from_ptr; size_t from_len;} *"
local state = lua.L.newstate()
local ok = lua.L.loadstring(state, [[
local function check (self)
if not self.isDirty then
return self
self.length = 0
local item = self.firstItem
while item do
self.length = self.length + 1
self.items[self.length] = item
item = self.itemAfter[item]
airstruck / wrap.lua
Created July 13, 2016 18:51
Love text wrapping
local function wrap (text, limit)
local font =
local lines = {{ width = 0 }}
local advance = 0
local lastSpaceAdvance = 0
local function append (word, space)
local wordAdvance = font:getWidth(word)
local spaceAdvance = font:getWidth(space)
local words = lines[#lines]
airstruck /
Last active August 2, 2024 13:56
Installing multiple versions of LÖVE

Installing multiple versions of LÖVE

This document explains how to set up multiple LÖVE installations. Make sure you have all dependencies for the versions of LÖVE you want to install.

Initial setup

Make a directory to install LÖVE source and binaries into.

mkdir $HOME/love/
// Test it on
// TODO: dl notes:
// TODO: box notes:
var picker = document.createElement('select')
picker.onchange = function () {
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
int tuple (lua_State *L) {
/* first upvalue is number of tuple values */
int argc = luaL_checkint(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
/* if arg is "#", return number of tuple values */
const char *count = luaL_optstring(L, 1, "");
if (count[0] == '#') {
airstruck / alea.lua
Last active August 5, 2020 05:57
A LuaJIT port of Johannes Baagøe's Alea
-- A Lua port of Johannes Baagøe's Alea
-- From
-- Johannes Baagøe <>, 2010
-- Mirrored at:
local floor = math.floor