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Aitor Oses aitoroses

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aitoroses /
Created August 21, 2017 15:09 — forked from akhy/
Disable NSURLSessionId
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
aitoroses / kmskeys10.txt
Created November 11, 2017 15:26 — forked from CHEF-KOCH/kmskeys10.txt
Windows 10 KMS Keys
# Install/Uninstall keys #
1.) Uninstall the current product by entering the “uninstall product key” extension:
slmgr.vbs /upk
2.) Install the key that you obtained above for “Windows Srv 2012R2 DataCtr/Std KMS for Windows 10”
aitoroses / baby-lisper.js
Created April 16, 2018 14:38 — forked from jameslaneconkling/baby-lisper.js
A silly simple lisp parser in javascript
const rules = [
{ type: 'space', regex: /^\s/ },
{ type: 'lParen', regex: /^\(/ },
{ type: 'rParen', regex: /^\)/ },
{ type: 'number', regex: /^[0-9\.]+/ },
{ type: 'string', regex: /^".*?"/ },
{ type: 'variable', regex: /^[^\s\(\)]+/ } // take from the beginning 1+ characters until you hit a ' ', '(', or ')' // TODO - support escaped double quote
aitoroses / gist:512d36d4353cf53bc98b386c9a82c722
Created May 7, 2019 19:01 — forked from relrod/gist:dd748c9ee0b111c3bd47
Pure IO in OCaml via the Free monad
(* Purely functional I/O in Ocaml via the Free monad.
* by Ricky Elrod <>.
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
* distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
* binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
* means.
aitoroses / ReaderM.fs
Created February 27, 2021 11:56 — forked from CarstenKoenig/ReaderM.fs
Reader monad in F#
namespace ReaderM
type ReaderM<'d,'out> =
'd -> 'out
module Reader =
// basic operations
let run dep (rm : ReaderM<_,_>) =
aitoroses / AsyncEx.fs
Created March 14, 2021 20:15 — forked from panesofglass/AsyncEx.fs
Create an Observable from an F# Async.
module AsyncEx
open System
type Async<'a> with
member this.ToObservable() =
{ new IObservable<_> with
member x.Subscribe(o) =
if o = null then nullArg "observer"
let cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
let invoked = ref 0
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ReaderT(..), runReaderT, ask, class MonadAsk)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
aitoroses / background.js
Created April 4, 2022 08:41 — forked from danharper/background.js
Bare minimum Chrome extension to inject a JS file into the given page when you click on the browser action icon. The script then inserts a new div into the DOM.
// this is the background code...
// listen for our browerAction to be clicked
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function (tab) {
// for the current tab, inject the "inject.js" file & execute it
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.ib, {
file: 'inject.js'
aitoroses /
Created May 13, 2022 15:14 — forked from gvolpe/
Dependency Injection in Functional Programming

Dependency Injection in Functional Programming

There exist several DI frameworks / libraries in the Scala ecosystem. But the more functional code you write the more you'll realize there's no need to use any of them.

A few of the most claimed benefits are the following:

  • Dependency Injection.
  • Life cycle management.
  • Dependency graph rewriting.