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{u'_context_request_id': u'req-f76c9900-f21f-4c46-aefb-4973ed69913e', 'event_type': u'magnetodb.table.create.start', 'timestamp': u'2014-09-30 06:35:52.454646', u'_context_auth_token': u'', 'payload': {u'_data': {u'attribute_type_map': {u'Body': {u'_data': {u'type': u'S'}, u'_hash': None}, u'DateTime': {u'_data': {u'type': u'N'}, u'_hash': None}, u'Subject': {u'_data': {u'type': u'S'}, u'_hash': None}, u'MessageId': {u'_data': {u'type': u'S'}, u'_hash': None}, u'Author': {u'_data': {u'type': u'S'}, u'_hash': None}}, u'key_attributes': [u'Author', u'MessageId'], u'index_def_map': {u'DateTime_index': {u'_data': {u'alt_range_key_attr': u'DateTime', u'projected_attributes': None, u'alt_hash_key_attr': u'Author'}, u'_hash': None}, u'Subject_index': {u'_data': {u'alt_range_key_attr': u'Subject', u'projected_attributes': None, u'alt_hash_key_attr': u'Author'}, u'_hash': None}}}, u'_hash': None}, u'_context_show_deleted': False, u'_context_tenant': u'd6acdbfa2bba426c912f214c665e78d9', 'pri

class cloudguru::nova_controller {
class { 'nova':
database_connection => 'mysql://nova:nova@',
rabbit_userid => 'rabbituser',
rabbit_password => 'rabbitpass',
image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
glance_api_servers => "${::fqdn}:9292",
verbose => true,
rabbit_hosts => [
func (tree *BST) IterativeInOrder() {
temp := tree.root
if temp == nil {
stack := stack.Stack{}
foo := func(temp *Node) {
for !stack.IsEmpty() {
must_tags = ['a', 'b', 'c']
must_Q = Q('terms', tags=must_tags, execution='and')
foo = Q(must=[must_Q])
ajayaa / cloudSettings
Created July 21, 2020 11:22
Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist