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--Hammerspoon config to replace Cinch & Size-up (Microsoft Windows style) window management for free
--By Jayden Pearse (spartanatreyu)
--Sort of messy, forgive me. Never scripted in lua before
--Options, feel free to edit these
ajchemist / core.clj
Created September 29, 2016 13:56 — forked from dfletcher/core.clj
JavaFX Clojure app template
(ns myapp.core (:gen-class))
:name myapp.Application
:extends javafx.application.Application
:prefix "myapp-")
(defn ^:Private myapp-start
"Implements javafx.application.Application.start."
[app ^javafx.stage.Stage stage]
ajchemist / shim!
Created September 29, 2016 02:17
java shim
package shim;
import clojure.lang.RT;
import clojure.lang.Symbol;
import clojure.lang.Var;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Var REQUIRE = RT.var("clojure.core", "require");
Var APPLY = RT.var("clojure.core", "apply");
ajchemist / a.clj
Created September 14, 2016 14:53
namespace string shortener
(defn ns-str-shortener
([ns-str] ns-str)
([ns-str number]
(let [length (.length ns-str)]
(if (< number length)
(let [splitted (.split #"\." ns-str)
endi (dec (alength splitted))
short (volatile! false)]
(areduce splitted i ret ""
(let [j (- endi i)


A note on terminology: There are a lot of things with similar meanings/use-cases around: subscriptions, reactions, derived atoms, view models. I'll introduce another to make things even worse: derivative. A derivative implements IWatchable and it's value is the result of applying a function to the value of other things (sources) implementing IWatchable. Whenever any of the sources change the value if the derivative is updated.

Why this library

Let's assume you're hooked about the idea of storing all your application state in a single atom (db). (Why this is a great idea is covered elsewhere.)

Most of your components don't need the entirety of this state and instead receive a small selection of it that is enough to allow the components to do their job. Now that data is not always a subtree (i.e. (get-in db ...)) but might be a combination of various parts of your state. To transform the data in a way that it becomes useful for components you can use a function: `(f @

(ns mk.fe.core.why-update
(:require [cljsjs.react]))
(defn comp-did-update [prev-props prev-state]
(this-as this
(let [name (or (aget this "displayName")
(aget this "constructor" "displayName")
(aget this "constructor" "name"))
prev-state (aget prev-state ":rum/state")
state (aget (.-state this) ":rum/state")]
ajchemist /
Created June 22, 2016 12:37
Emacs-Style Key Bindings for Vimium

My Vimium Key Bindings (Emacs-Style)

This is a full set of key bindings (as of Vimium v1.45); covering all Vimium functionality. I have tried to map all Vimium functionality to comparable Emacs functionality (whenever possible). In cases where there is no equivalent, those commands are prefixed by <c-g> (indicating <c-g>oogle Chrome; and because <c-g> does not conflict with other Emacs shortcuts at all).

Commented Shortcuts: There are a few Emacs-style shortcuts that are simply not possible in Vimium. All of my shortcuts (including those which were not possible; i.e. where I used a decent alternative) have been commented below. This should help to clarify my rationale.

_Compatibility: All of these shortcuts were tested on Mac OS X (Mavericks). Please note that all of my shortcuts operate under the assumption that your Emacs Meta key is the Alt/Option key. This really was my only choice, because the key is already used in Chrome for shortcuts that c

ajchemist / buggy.clj
Created June 13, 2016 12:35
clojure buggy
(let [t (transient [])]
(doseq [[k v] (zipmap (range 200) (range 200 400))]
(conj! t [k v]))
(count t))
ajchemist / TypeFace.html
Created May 29, 2016 08:10
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Lorem ipsum</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {