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Andrew Johnstone ajohnstone

View GitHub Profile
API Per-User Limit Used Courtesy Limit
Google Cloud Datastore API 500.0 requests/second/user 0% 10,000,000 requests/day Request more...
BigQuery API 5.0 requests/second/user 0% 10,000 requests/day Enable billing
Latitude API 1.0 requests/second/user 0% 1,000,000 requests/day Request more...
Google Maps API v3 1.0 requests/second/user 0% 25,000 requests/day Enable billing
Places API 0% 1,000 requests/day Enable billing
Search API for Shopping 1.0 requests/second/user 0% 2,500 requests/day Request more...
Fusion Tables API 2.0 requests/second/user 0% 25,000 requests/day Request more...
Google Cloud SQL API 1.0 requests/second/user 0% 10,000 requests/day Request more...
Drive API 10.0 requests/second/user 0% 10,000,000 requests/day Request more...
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "ubuntu_server_12_10_amd64"
config.vm.box_url = ''
nodes = {
'esb' => {
:hostname => '',
# MySQL Service
description "MySQL Server"
author "Mario Limonciello <>"
start on (net-device-up
and local-filesystems
and runlevel [2345])
stop on runlevel [016]
[2014-02-15T23:47:35-02:00] DEBUG: Found recipe default in cookbook yum
[2014-02-15T23:47:35-02:00] DEBUG: filtered backtrace of compile error: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb:26:in `from_file',/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb:19:in `from_file',/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/logstash/recipes/agent.rb:9:in `from_file'
[2014-02-15T23:47:35-02:00] DEBUG: filtered backtrace of compile error: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb:26:in `from_file',/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb:19:in `from_file',/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/logstash/recipes/agent.rb:9:in `from_file'
[2014-02-15T23:47:35-02:00] DEBUG: backtrace entry for compile error: '/tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/yum/recipes/default.rb:26:in `from_file''
[2014-02-15T23:47:35-02:00] DEBUG: Line number of compile error: '26'
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] DEBUG: Platform is ubuntu version 12.04
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] INFO: Run List is [role[base], recipe[mysql::client], recipe[mysql::ruby], recipe[tomcat::tomcat_proxy], recipe[application::cms]]
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] INFO: Run List expands to [apt, initial_setup, sudo::chefclient, deployment::client, logstash::agent, motd-tail, monit, collectd, ruby, users, users::sysadmins, mysql::client, mysql::ruby, tomcat::tomcat_proxy, application::cms]
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for cms
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] DEBUG: No chefignore file found at /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/chefignore no files will be ignored
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] DEBUG: Loading cookbook logrotate's library file: /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/logrotate/libraries/logrotate_config.rb
[2014-02-15T23:47:34-02:00] DEBUG: Loading cookbook openssl's l
# This file was created for i-55aef515
# by Chef
# Manual changes will be lost
input {
file {
'path' => ['/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/messages']
'start_position' => 'beginning'
'type' => 'syslog'
docker is easily broken, e.g. its process management becomes easily out of sync.
I.e create container, kill process 1, then exit.
CID=$(docker run -it -d ubuntu:latest bash);
docker exec -i -t $CID kill 1;
docker ps
docker rm -f $CID;
Error response from daemon: Could not kill running container, cannot remove - no such process
FATA[0000] Error: failed to remove one or more containers
require 'pp'
require 'typhoeus'
ENV['QUORUM'] ||= '3'
ENV['TIMEOUT'] ||= '0.001'
ENV['VERBOSE'] ||= '0'
urls = {
'' => {},
andrew@andrew-laptop:~/Downloads/kibana-4.0.2/src/server/bin$ dmsesg
[78982.842191] https[12107]: segfault at 69 ip 000000000040ac8b sp 00007fffb6749b40 error 4 in https[400000+11000]
[79011.850704] https[12147]: segfault at 69 ip 000000000040ac8b sp 00007fffbfe7b270 error 4 in https[400000+11000]
[79136.983464] https[12301]: segfault at 69 ip 000000000040ac8b sp 00007fffd0b51d10 error 4 in https[400000+11000]
[79293.960252] https[12461]: segfault at 69 ip 000000000040ac8b sp 00007fff831e6000 error 4 in https[400000+11000]
[79457.281094] https[12723]: segfault at 69 ip 000000000040ac8b sp 00007fffcceae8d0 error 4 in https[400000+11000]
# Upstart Kibana
stop on shutdown
setuid kibana
setgid kibana
chdir /opt/kibana/