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# Teku Application Alert Rules
- name: Teku-Slot-Metrics
- alert: 'Teku Beacon Slot Increase'
expr: sum (irate(beacon_slot{job="prod-teku-node"}[40s])) by (instance) == 0
for: 1m
set -euo pipefail
DIR=${1?Must specify host dir}
mkdir "$DIR/teku"
mkdir "$DIR/teku/keys"
mkdir "$DIR/teku/secrets"
for FILE in $DIR/keys/*
PUBKEY=`basename $FILE`
# data
We couldn’t find that file to show.
ajsutton / bad-deposits.yaml
Created August 5, 2020 22:33
Medalla Deposits
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
- block: 3086571
timestamp: 1595354906
hash: "0xe0c9089e6c33e4ad896ecae6c4e028366a4c48672818456fb8e287f0a295c75c"
- index: 0
publicKey: "0xae9e6a550ac71490cdf134533b1688fcbdb16f113d7190eacf4f2e9ca6e013d5bd08c37cb2bde9bbdec8ffb8edbd495b"
amount: 32000000000
withdrawalCredentials: "0x0062a90ebe71c4c01c4e057d7d13b944d9705f524ebfa24290c22477ab0517e4"
signature: "0xa87a4874d276982c471e981a113f8af74a31ffa7d18898a02df2419de2a7f02084065784aa2f743d9ddf80952986ea0b012190cd866f1f2d9c633a7a33c2725d0b181906d413c82e2c18323154a2f7c7ae6f72686782ed9e423070daa00db05b"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="INFO" monitorInterval="5">
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
pattern="%white{%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}} | %-25.25t | %-5level | %-30.30c{1} | %msg%n"/>
<Logger name="org.quartz" level="INFO"/>
cargo install --path lighthouse --force --locked
Installing lighthouse v0.1.2 (/Users/aj/Documents/code/eth2-clients/lighthouse/lighthouse)
Updating index
Updating git repository ``
warning: package `smallvec v1.4.0` in Cargo.lock is yanked in registry ``, consider running without --locked
Downloaded aes-ctr v0.4.0
Downloaded hmac v0.8.1
Downloaded serde v1.0.114
Downloaded num-iter v0.1.41
Downloaded serde_repr v0.1.6
I ran lighthouse compiled from latest master (or back a couple of commits for OS X) with:
RUST_LOG=multistream_select=trace lighthouse --debug-level trace bn --http --port 9001 --maxpeers 0
Then grabbed it's multiaddr from log output when it starts up. Configured Teku with:
network: "witti"
p2p-enabled: true
p2p-discovery-enabled: false
# Make this the multiaddr from your Lighthouse
p2p-static-peers: ["/ip4/"]
eth1-enabled: false
2020-05-20 08:03:15.272+10:00 | Eth1EventsChannel-1 | DEBUG | BeaconStateUtil | Skipping invalid deposit with index 32 and pubkey 0xa0bb6e96aabe4a355af74ab36a618faabb099b73aaed244dc425308e11501874e723083627f3a3ac54b2252e13c761a6
2020-05-20 08:03:15.338+10:00 | Eth1EventsChannel-1 | DEBUG | BeaconStateUtil | Skipping invalid deposit with index 33 and pubkey 0x80cdf22d122a0d9036b6c2e831083dd4e3c9c22953d6837926cdd77704d12a3c69d17cbebafa279b022cba877876e359
2020-05-20 08:03:15.399+10:00 | Eth1EventsChannel-1 | DEBUG | BeaconStateUtil | Skipping invalid deposit with index 34 and pubkey 0x851811f4748065551e31542295caa929e4f6537fb6bbccf8e2b321431579a1c11de2fd2d1849914d3e219811b7e005a4
2020-05-20 08:03:15.450+10:00 | Eth1EventsChannel-1 | DEBUG | BeaconStateUtil | Skipping invalid deposit with index 35 and pubkey 0xa41e0e62085d587cec29d4aae9c0fa72e362bdfa4893a0fb3f969c552b004bbf3fce8b09f49d3bf30de92217ca365fd3
2020-05-20 08:03:15.505+10:00 | Eth1EventsChannel-1 | DEBUG | BeaconStateUtil | Skipping invalid deposit wit