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Considering WhereCamps

Andrew Turner ajturner

Considering WhereCamps
View GitHub Profile
%w{rubygems flickraw yaml}.each {|gem| require gem}
options = {:per_page => 100, :tags => "baytobreakers", :woe_id => 2487956, :min_taken_date => "2007-05-20", :max_taken_date => "2007-05-21"}
list ={:page => 1}.merge(options))
puts list.pages
kml = %Q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:atom="">
<name>Bay to Breakers</name>
struct coloriser
explicit coloriser(mapnik::Color const& c)
: c_(c) {}
template <typename PixelType>
void operator() ( PixelType & p)
// use c to modify p
p[0] =;
prj = Projection("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over")
c0 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[0],ll[1]))
c1 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[2],ll[3]))
bbox = Envelope(c0.x,c0.y,c1.x,c1.y)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
tag = "ASD"
### Don't need to edit below here
%w{ rubygems hpricot open-uri }.each {|gem| require gem}
next_url = "{tag}&lang=all&rpp=50"
fields = ["id","title", "published","author/name","author/uri"]
entries = [fields.join(",") + ",link"]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Map bgcolor="#b5d0d0" srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over">
<FontSet name="DejaVu Sans Book">
<Font face_name="DejaVu Sans Book" />
<Font face_name="unifont Medium" />
<FontSet name="DejaVu Sans Oblique">
<Font face_name="DejaVu Sans Oblique" />
<Font face_name="unifont Medium" />
ajturner / Parse LA County Solar Map.rb
Created May 1, 2009 04:07
Parses the data from and exports as KML. It's ugly - it works.
zipMarkers = {
93536 => {'zipcode' => 93536, 'name' => 'Lancaster/Quartz Hill', 'number of installations' => '17', 'size' => '77.406', 'cost' => '670991.4', 'incentives' => '187572.39', 'lat' => 34.77131, 'lng' => -118.47496},
93534 => {'zipcode' => 93534, 'name' => 'Lancaster', 'number of installations' => '3', 'size' => '15.176', 'cost' => '149260', 'incentives' => '37486.56', 'lat' => 34.73728, 'lng' => -118.15001},
93523 => {'zipcode' => 93523, 'name' => 'Edwards AFB', 'number of installations' => '1', 'size' => '2.075', 'cost' => '21000', 'incentives' => '4563', 'lat' => 34.80315, 'lng' => -117.95937},
93535 => {'zipcode' => 93535, 'name' => 'Hi Vista', 'number of installations' => '9', 'size' => '42.582', 'cost' => '381678.07', 'incentives' => '98170.06', 'lat' => 34.69016, 'lng' => -117.88353},
91384 => {'zipcode' => 91384, 'name' => 'Castaic', 'number of installations' => '13', 'size' => '80.314', 'cost' => '737545.1', 'incentives' => '188829.17', 'lat' => 34.53395, 'lng' => -118.67296},
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Download the GeoNames gazetteer
curl -O -G
# Remove all the non-English placenames
awk -F '\t' '/ADM|PPL/ {if($20 == "") print $0}' geonames_dd_dms_date_20090428.txt | sed "s/'//g" > geonames_ppl.txt
echo "DELETE FROM planet_osm_point WHERE osm_id=1;INSERT INTO planet_osm_point (osm_id,name,place,way) VALUES " > geonames_ppl.sql
# Generate SQL statements into an OSM database
Open Data
Use the current initiatives in the governments opening up data.
h1. Overview
What do you do with data?
* Visualize
* Analyze
* Links
# description: given a KML file or URL this script caches all the remote files to a local directory and creates a KMZ (zipped KML)
# usage: cache_kml.rb ""
%w{ rubygems open-uri uri }.each {|gem| require gem}
kml = ARGV[0]
filename = URI.parse(kml).path.split("/").last
dir = filename.gsub(/\.\w+/,'')
file = open(kml).read
Link to URL datasource
Finder can register data source URL's from the internet or a network. This allows users to define data sources that will be continually updated, aggregated and archived in GeoCommons.
To register a datasource, provide the URL to a file type that is supported in GeoCommons and POST using the overlay[wild_url] parameter to /overlays.xml.
curl -i -X POST -u "yourusername:yourpassword" -d "overlay[wild_url]="
URL's can only be registered once in GeoCommons. So if the URL has already been registered by a user, you will receive a redirect to this existing Overlay. You can make a copy of that overlay if you want to modify the metadata.