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Last active November 23, 2023 21:01
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COCO Image Viewer |
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# COCO Image Viewer\n",
"This notebook will allow you to view details about a COCO dataset and preview segmentations on annotated images.\n",
"Learn more about it at:\n",
"Note: Gist probably won't show the segmentations, but if you run this code in your own Jupyter Notebook, you'll see them.\n",
"The rest of the tutorial can be found at:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import IPython\n",
"import os\n",
"import json\n",
"import random\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import requests\n",
"from io import BytesIO\n",
"import base64\n",
"from math import trunc\n",
"from PIL import Image as PILImage\n",
"from PIL import ImageDraw as PILImageDraw"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Load the dataset json\n",
"class CocoDataset():\n",
" def __init__(self, annotation_path, image_dir):\n",
" self.annotation_path = annotation_path\n",
" self.image_dir = image_dir\n",
" self.colors = colors = ['blue', 'purple', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'salmon', 'pink', 'gold',\n",
" 'orchid', 'slateblue', 'limegreen', 'seagreen', 'darkgreen', 'olive',\n",
" 'teal', 'aquamarine', 'steelblue', 'powderblue', 'dodgerblue', 'navy',\n",
" 'magenta', 'sienna', 'maroon']\n",
" \n",
" json_file = open(self.annotation_path)\n",
" self.coco = json.load(json_file)\n",
" json_file.close()\n",
" \n",
" self.process_info()\n",
" self.process_licenses()\n",
" self.process_categories()\n",
" self.process_images()\n",
" self.process_segmentations()\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" def display_info(self):\n",
" print('Dataset Info:')\n",
" print('=============')\n",
" for key, item in\n",
" print(' {}: {}'.format(key, item))\n",
" \n",
" requirements = [['description', str],\n",
" ['url', str],\n",
" ['version', str],\n",
" ['year', int],\n",
" ['contributor', str],\n",
" ['date_created', str]]\n",
" for req, req_type in requirements:\n",
" if req not in\n",
" print('ERROR: {} is missing'.format(req))\n",
" elif type([req]) != req_type:\n",
" print('ERROR: {} should be type {}'.format(req, str(req_type)))\n",
" print('')\n",
" \n",
" def display_licenses(self):\n",
" print('Licenses:')\n",
" print('=========')\n",
" \n",
" requirements = [['id', int],\n",
" ['url', str],\n",
" ['name', str]]\n",
" for license in self.licenses:\n",
" for key, item in license.items():\n",
" print(' {}: {}'.format(key, item))\n",
" for req, req_type in requirements:\n",
" if req not in license:\n",
" print('ERROR: {} is missing'.format(req))\n",
" elif type(license[req]) != req_type:\n",
" print('ERROR: {} should be type {}'.format(req, str(req_type)))\n",
" print('')\n",
" print('')\n",
" \n",
" def display_categories(self):\n",
" print('Categories:')\n",
" print('=========')\n",
" for sc_key, sc_val in self.super_categories.items():\n",
" print(' super_category: {}'.format(sc_key))\n",
" for cat_id in sc_val:\n",
" print(' id {}: {}'.format(cat_id, self.categories[cat_id]['name']))\n",
" print('')\n",
" \n",
" def display_image(self, image_id, show_polys=True, show_bbox=True, show_crowds=True, use_url=False):\n",
" print('Image:')\n",
" print('======')\n",
" if image_id == 'random':\n",
" image_id = random.choice(list(self.images.keys()))\n",
" \n",
" # Print the image info\n",
" image = self.images[image_id]\n",
" for key, val in image.items():\n",
" print(' {}: {}'.format(key, val))\n",
" \n",
" # Open the image\n",
" if use_url:\n",
" image_path = image['coco_url']\n",
" response = requests.get(image_path)\n",
" image =\n",
" \n",
" else:\n",
" image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image['file_name'])\n",
" image =\n",
" \n",
" buffer = BytesIO()\n",
", format='PNG')\n",
" \n",
" data_uri = base64.b64encode('ascii')\n",
" image_path = \"data:image/png;base64,{0}\".format(data_uri)\n",
" \n",
" # Calculate the size and adjusted display size\n",
" max_width = 600\n",
" image_width, image_height = image.size\n",
" adjusted_width = min(image_width, max_width)\n",
" adjusted_ratio = adjusted_width / image_width\n",
" adjusted_height = adjusted_ratio * image_height\n",
" \n",
" # Create list of polygons to be drawn\n",
" polygons = {}\n",
" bbox_polygons = {}\n",
" rle_regions = {}\n",
" poly_colors = {}\n",
" print(' segmentations ({}):'.format(len(self.segmentations[image_id])))\n",
" for i, segm in enumerate(self.segmentations[image_id]):\n",
" polygons_list = []\n",
" if segm['iscrowd'] != 0:\n",
" # Gotta decode the RLE\n",
" px = 0\n",
" x, y = 0, 0\n",
" rle_list = []\n",
" for j, counts in enumerate(segm['segmentation']['counts']):\n",
" if j % 2 == 0:\n",
" # Empty pixels\n",
" px += counts\n",
" else:\n",
" # Need to draw on these pixels, since we are drawing in vector form,\n",
" # we need to draw horizontal lines on the image\n",
" x_start = trunc(trunc(px / image_height) * adjusted_ratio)\n",
" y_start = trunc(px % image_height * adjusted_ratio)\n",
" px += counts\n",
" x_end = trunc(trunc(px / image_height) * adjusted_ratio)\n",
" y_end = trunc(px % image_height * adjusted_ratio)\n",
" if x_end == x_start:\n",
" # This is only on one line\n",
" rle_list.append({'x': x_start, 'y': y_start, 'width': 1 , 'height': (y_end - y_start)})\n",
" if x_end > x_start:\n",
" # This spans more than one line\n",
" # Insert top line first\n",
" rle_list.append({'x': x_start, 'y': y_start, 'width': 1, 'height': (image_height - y_start)})\n",
" \n",
" # Insert middle lines if needed\n",
" lines_spanned = x_end - x_start + 1 # total number of lines spanned\n",
" full_lines_to_insert = lines_spanned - 2\n",
" if full_lines_to_insert > 0:\n",
" full_lines_to_insert = trunc(full_lines_to_insert * adjusted_ratio)\n",
" rle_list.append({'x': (x_start + 1), 'y': 0, 'width': full_lines_to_insert, 'height': image_height})\n",
" \n",
" # Insert bottom line\n",
" rle_list.append({'x': x_end, 'y': 0, 'width': 1, 'height': y_end})\n",
" if len(rle_list) > 0:\n",
" rle_regions[segm['id']] = rle_list \n",
" else:\n",
" # Add the polygon segmentation\n",
" for segmentation_points in segm['segmentation']:\n",
" segmentation_points = np.multiply(segmentation_points, adjusted_ratio).astype(int)\n",
" polygons_list.append(str(segmentation_points).lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))\n",
" polygons[segm['id']] = polygons_list\n",
" if i < len(self.colors):\n",
" poly_colors[segm['id']] = self.colors[i]\n",
" else:\n",
" poly_colors[segm['id']] = 'white'\n",
" \n",
" bbox = segm['bbox']\n",
" bbox_points = [bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1],\n",
" bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[1] + bbox[3],\n",
" bbox[0], bbox[1]]\n",
" bbox_points = np.multiply(bbox_points, adjusted_ratio).astype(int)\n",
" bbox_polygons[segm['id']] = str(bbox_points).lstrip('[').rstrip(']')\n",
" \n",
" # Print details\n",
" print(' {}:{}:{}'.format(segm['id'], poly_colors[segm['id']], self.categories[segm['category_id']]))\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" # Draw segmentation polygons on image\n",
" html = '<div class=\"container\" style=\"position:relative;\">'\n",
" html += '<img src=\"{}\" style=\"position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:{}px;\">'.format(image_path, adjusted_width)\n",
" html += '<div class=\"svgclass\"><svg width=\"{}\" height=\"{}\">'.format(adjusted_width, adjusted_height)\n",
" \n",
" if show_polys:\n",
" for seg_id, points_list in polygons.items():\n",
" fill_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" stroke_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" for points in points_list:\n",
" html += '<polygon points=\"{}\" style=\"fill:{}; stroke:{}; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" />'.format(points, fill_color, stroke_color)\n",
" \n",
" if show_crowds:\n",
" for seg_id, rect_list in rle_regions.items():\n",
" fill_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" stroke_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" for rect_def in rect_list:\n",
" x, y = rect_def['x'], rect_def['y']\n",
" w, h = rect_def['width'], rect_def['height']\n",
" html += '<rect x=\"{}\" y=\"{}\" width=\"{}\" height=\"{}\" style=\"fill:{}; stroke:{}; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" />'.format(x, y, w, h, fill_color, stroke_color)\n",
" \n",
" if show_bbox:\n",
" for seg_id, points in bbox_polygons.items():\n",
" fill_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" stroke_color = poly_colors[seg_id]\n",
" html += '<polygon points=\"{}\" style=\"fill:{}; stroke:{}; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0\" />'.format(points, fill_color, stroke_color)\n",
" \n",
" html += '</svg></div>'\n",
" html += '</div>'\n",
" html += '<style>'\n",
" html += '.svgclass { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;}'\n",
" html += '</style>'\n",
" return html\n",
" \n",
" def process_info(self):\n",
" = self.coco['info']\n",
" \n",
" def process_licenses(self):\n",
" self.licenses = self.coco['licenses']\n",
" \n",
" def process_categories(self):\n",
" self.categories = {}\n",
" self.super_categories = {}\n",
" for category in self.coco['categories']:\n",
" cat_id = category['id']\n",
" super_category = category['supercategory']\n",
" \n",
" # Add category to the categories dict\n",
" if cat_id not in self.categories:\n",
" self.categories[cat_id] = category\n",
" else:\n",
" print(\"ERROR: Skipping duplicate category id: {}\".format(category))\n",
" # Add category to super_categories dict\n",
" if super_category not in self.super_categories:\n",
" self.super_categories[super_category] = {cat_id} # Create a new set with the category id\n",
" else:\n",
" self.super_categories[super_category] |= {cat_id} # Add category id to the set\n",
" \n",
" def process_images(self):\n",
" self.images = {}\n",
" for image in self.coco['images']:\n",
" image_id = image['id']\n",
" if image_id in self.images:\n",
" print(\"ERROR: Skipping duplicate image id: {}\".format(image))\n",
" else:\n",
" self.images[image_id] = image\n",
" \n",
" def process_segmentations(self):\n",
" self.segmentations = {}\n",
" for segmentation in self.coco['annotations']:\n",
" image_id = segmentation['image_id']\n",
" if image_id not in self.segmentations:\n",
" self.segmentations[image_id] = []\n",
" self.segmentations[image_id].append(segmentation)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Dataset Info:\n",
" url:\n",
" year: 2017\n",
" description: COCO 2017 Dataset\n",
" contributor: COCO Consortium\n",
" date_created: 2017/09/01\n",
" version: 1.0\n",
" url:\n",
" id: 4\n",
" name: Attribution License\n",
" super_category: vehicle\n",
" id 2: bicycle\n",
" super_category: animal\n",
" id 22: elephant\n",
"source": [
"annotation_path = './sample_annotations.json'\n",
"image_dir = './images'\n",
"coco_dataset = CocoDataset(annotation_path, image_dir)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" file_name: 000000242287.jpg\n",
" id: 242287\n",
" coco_url:\n",
" width: 426\n",
" date_captured: 2013-11-15 02:41:42\n",
" license: 4\n",
" flickr_url:\n",
" height: 640\n",
" segmentations (1):\n",
" 125686:blue:{'id': 2, 'name': 'bicycle', 'supercategory': 'vehicle'}\n"
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<div class=\"container\" style=\"position:relative;\"><img src=\"\" style=\"position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:426px;\"><div class=\"svgclass\"><svg width=\"426\" height=\"640.0\"><polygon points=\"164 417 164 417 164 417 159 409 159 409 155 409 155 410 152 413 144 413\n",
" 140 413 137 413 134 414 129 414 122 414 104 405 104 405 93 401 93 401\n",
" 87 399 86 399 85 399 93 391 78 383 72 383 68 401 82 402 104 409\n",
" 104 421 85 458 79 469 65 454 61 455 59 455 42 471 39 479 39 482\n",
" 31 497 19 510 19 519 19 539 20 578 26 590 27 593 38 596 41 593\n",
" 50 589 53 587 59 585 71 579 79 568 82 560 85 535 87 520 90 513\n",
" 93 490 93 487 93 480 108 499 108 509 115 521 104 521 103 528 108 534\n",
" 119 530 124 535 126 535 129 543 166 582 171 578 197 598 208 608 249 627\n",
" 269 623 278 618 281 609 285 601 287 597 291 591 291 590 318 590 318 591\n",
" 329 589 332 586 333 583 309 563 313 547 313 541 313 526 313 523 313 516\n",
" 313 501 307 486 307 486 302 483 291 472 278 454 273 454 262 447 241 438\n",
" 226 425 226 420 210 413 206 413 197 414 167 410\" style=\"fill:blue; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\" 19 383 333 383 333 627 19 627 19 383\" style=\"fill:blue; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0\" /></svg></div></div><style>.svgclass { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;}</style>"
"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.HTML object>"
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"html = coco_dataset.display_image(242287, use_url=True)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" file_name: 000000245915.jpg\n",
" id: 245915\n",
" coco_url:\n",
" width: 500\n",
" date_captured: 2013-11-18 02:53:27\n",
" license: 4\n",
" flickr_url:\n",
" height: 333\n",
" segmentations (14):\n",
" 1409619:blue:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410165:purple:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410330:red:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410622:green:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410759:orange:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410834:salmon:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1410880:pink:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1411090:gold:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1411108:orchid:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1411138:slateblue:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1411160:limegreen:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 1411174:seagreen:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 2210312:darkgreen:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n",
" 902200245915:olive:{'id': 22, 'name': 'elephant', 'supercategory': 'animal'}\n"
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<div class=\"container\" style=\"position:relative;\"><img src=\"\" style=\"position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:500px;\"><div class=\"svgclass\"><svg width=\"500\" height=\"333.0\"><polygon points=\"222 191 233 181 241 167 248 154 257 153 281 149 294 149 300 152 312 160\n",
" 317 168 318 172 321 178 322 182 321 184 317 188 317 195 306 189 301 188\n",
" 294 188 281 186 283 195 277 195 274 189 269 195 263 196 263 185 257 195\n",
" 249 184 244 183 233 189 229 192\" style=\"fill:pink; stroke:pink; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\" 72 177 73 169 77 160 80 156 85 149 88 145 92 139 96 133 100 127\n",
" 104 125 109 124 118 124 130 122 136 122 149 121 161 123 169 127 170 130\n",
" 167 133 163 135 158 134 146 140 143 148 143 155 141 160 141 164 141 165\n",
" 136 165 133 163 131 169 132 176 132 178 132 178 127 178 122 165 122 163\n",
" 120 168 116 173 114 178 110 177 110 171 115 161 115 153 114 151 111 149\n",
" 109 151 102 152 98 152 96 151 91 157 83 161 77 167 76 170 75 173\n",
" 77 176 75 177\" style=\"fill:slateblue; stroke:slateblue; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"347 157 341 156 338 159 341 167 336 167 328 155 324 151 321 159 324 162\n",
" 324 164 319 166 314 161 315 153 315 145 312 136 305 137 299 132 299 127\n",
" 301 117 311 115 313 121 328 119 340 124 353 134 354 141 363 163 360 165\n",
" 355 151 353 165 347 163 347 159\" style=\"fill:orchid; stroke:orchid; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"234 180 230 180 228 183 229 185 222 190 219 183 218 186 216 185 217 179\n",
" 216 172 213 165 204 164 193 163 192 156 190 156 184 154 183 155 188 157\n",
" 191 157 186 160 179 157 181 149 187 149 194 149 204 143 215 142 221 144\n",
" 232 146 246 146 263 151 270 150 258 153 247 156\" style=\"fill:seagreen; stroke:seagreen; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"439 122 440 115 441 106 444 100 450 100 456 101 466 103 479 108 488 114\n",
" 490 119 491 124 488 131 486 142 485 148 481 145 475 139 472 132 463 125\n",
" 454 122 447 122 442 122\" style=\"fill:orange; stroke:orange; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\" 40 136 43 132 46 112 47 107 53 101 66 101 70 103 79 110 84 116\n",
" 84 120 80 134 82 147 80 150 75 137 76 134 74 134 76 145 75 150\n",
" 71 148 69 141 65 132 63 134 65 145 59 145 57 127 56 119 50 119\n",
" 48 130 43 138 40 140 39 142 38 139\" style=\"fill:darkgreen; stroke:darkgreen; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"245 145 245 138 247 132 250 126 258 125 267 125 281 126 290 127 299 135\n",
" 306 140 307 144 308 149 312 151 312 155 311 158 301 153 294 150 262 150\n",
" 252 148\" style=\"fill:gold; stroke:gold; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"331 255 322 250 318 240 318 250 308 246 306 237 303 219 294 220 284 214\n",
" 279 212 271 212 270 204 273 199 293 192 302 190 309 191 318 196 333 195\n",
" 358 210 363 221 363 237 361 261 352 261 350 251 341 250 340 255 352 262\n",
" 356 264 356 265 343 264\" style=\"fill:salmon; stroke:salmon; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"376 238 378 228 382 216 383 210 385 207 386 207 387 201 389 197 396 196\n",
" 404 198 416 190 434 189 458 190 468 196 473 205 473 210 460 225 447 238\n",
" 437 239 420 233 413 246 406 245 408 232 409 224 407 221 405 221 402 226\n",
" 395 228 393 229 388 231 383 236 382 241\" style=\"fill:blue; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"486 239 477 244 468 245 464 244 458 250 451 249 445 243 448 238 476 206\n",
" 481 205 485 209 500 205 500 267 500 272 498 276 489 275 488 272 494 251\n",
" 495 244\" style=\"fill:purple; stroke:purple; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"389 161 391 145 400 136 416 123 438 118 464 122 472 137 480 144 486 151\n",
" 483 150 475 142 470 153 469 164 461 162 458 158 458 164 453 163 447 155\n",
" 442 157 440 158 438 162 430 167 423 163 426 156 426 147 421 145 417 146\n",
" 408 146 401 151 398 156 398 159 398 164 397 164\" style=\"fill:limegreen; stroke:limegreen; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"402 196 410 177 416 171 428 171 433 166 451 164 468 165 480 172 486 181\n",
" 487 188 493 207 486 193 486 208 481 204 474 211 468 196 460 190 446 190\n",
" 428 188 412 193\" style=\"fill:red; stroke:red; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><polygon points=\"480 166 481 161 482 158 483 156 485 151 486 147 486 143 486 139 487 135\n",
" 487 132 489 127 489 125 493 120 495 120 499 119 499 145 495 144 492 148\n",
" 491 152 489 160 486 163 486 164 484 167 482 167 481 167\" style=\"fill:green; stroke:green; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"79\" y=\"147\" width=\"1\" height=\"2\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"81\" y=\"134\" width=\"1\" height=\"3\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"81\" y=\"150\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"82\" y=\"131\" width=\"1\" height=\"12\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"82\" y=\"149\" width=\"1\" height=\"3\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"83\" y=\"131\" width=\"1\" height=\"21\" style=\"fill:olive; stroke:olive; stroke-width:1; fill-opacity:0.5; stroke-opacity:0.5\" /><rect x=\"84\" y=\"129\" width=\"1\" height=\"23\" style=\"fill:olive; 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"text/plain": [
"<IPython.core.display.HTML object>"
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"html = coco_dataset.display_image(245915, use_url=True)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Sample Annotations JSON\n",
"Below are the contents of 'sample_annotations.json'."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" \"info\": {\n",
" \"description\": \"COCO 2017 Dataset\",\"url\": \"\",\"version\": \"1.0\",\"year\": 2017,\"contributor\": \"COCO Consortium\",\"date_created\": \"2017/09/01\"\n",
" },\n",
" \"licenses\": [\n",
" {\"url\": \"\",\"id\": 4,\"name\": \"Attribution License\"}\n",
" ],\n",
" \"images\": [\n",
" {\"id\": 242287, \"license\": 4, \"coco_url\": \"\", \"flickr_url\": \"\", \"width\": 426, \"height\": 640, \"file_name\": \"000000242287.jpg\", \"date_captured\": \"2013-11-15 02:41:42\"},\n",
" {\"id\": 245915, \"license\": 4, \"coco_url\": \"\", \"flickr_url\": \"\", \"width\": 500, \"height\": 333, \"file_name\": \"000000245915.jpg\", \"date_captured\": \"2013-11-18 02:53:27\"}\n",
" ],\n",
" \"annotations\": [\n",
" {\"id\": 125686, \"category_id\": 2, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[164.81, 417.51, 164.81, 417.51, 164.81, 417.51, 159.31, 409.27, 159.31, 409.27, 155.19, 409.27, 155.19, 410.64, 152.45, 413.39, 144.21, 413.39, 140.09, 413.39, 137.34, 413.39, 134.59, 414.76, 129.1, 414.76, 122.23, 414.76, 104.38, 405.15, 104.38, 405.15, 93.39, 401.03, 93.39, 401.03, 87.9, 399.66, 86.52, 399.66, 85.15, 399.66, 93.39, 391.42, 78.28, 383.18, 72.79, 383.18, 68.67, 401.03, 82.4, 402.4, 104.38, 409.27, 104.38, 421.63, 85.15, 458.71, 79.66, 469.7, 65.92, 454.59, 61.8, 455.97, 59.06, 455.97, 42.58, 471.07, 39.83, 479.31, 39.83, 482.06, 31.59, 497.17, 19.23, 510.9, 19.23, 519.14, 19.23, 539.74, 20.6, 578.2, 26.09, 590.56, 27.47, 593.3, 38.45, 596.05, 41.2, 593.3, 50.82, 589.18, 53.56, 587.81, 59.06, 585.06, 71.42, 579.57, 79.66, 568.58, 82.4, 560.34, 85.15, 535.62, 87.9, 520.52, 90.64, 513.65, 93.39, 490.3, 93.39, 487.55, 93.39, 480.69, 108.5, 499.91, 108.5, 509.53, 115.36, 521.89, 104.38, 521.89, 103.0, 528.76, 108.5, 534.25, 119.48, 530.13, 124.98, 535.62, 126.35, 535.62, 129.1, 543.86, 166.18, 582.32, 171.67, 578.2, 197.77, 598.8, 208.76, 608.41, 249.96, 627.64, 269.18, 623.52, 278.8, 618.03, 281.55, 609.79, 285.67, 601.55, 287.04, 597.42, 291.16, 591.93, 291.16, 590.56, 318.63, 590.56, 318.63, 591.93, 329.61, 589.18, 332.36, 586.44, 333.73, 583.69, 309.01, 563.09, 313.13, 547.98, 313.13, 541.12, 313.13, 526.01, 313.13, 523.26, 313.13, 516.39, 313.13, 501.29, 307.64, 486.18, 307.64, 486.18, 302.15, 483.43, 291.16, 472.45, 278.8, 454.59, 273.3, 454.59, 262.32, 447.73, 241.72, 438.11, 226.61, 425.75, 226.61, 420.26, 210.13, 413.39, 206.01, 413.39, 197.77, 414.76, 167.55, 410.64]], \"image_id\": 242287, \"area\": 42061.80340000001, \"bbox\": [19.23, 383.18, 314.5, 244.46]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1409619, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[376.81, 238.8, 378.19, 228.91, 382.15, 216.06, 383.14, 210.72, 385.9, 207.56, 386.7, 207.16, 387.29, 201.43, 389.27, 197.67, 396.58, 196.09, 404.49, 198.07, 416.16, 190.95, 434.75, 189.76, 458.48, 190.95, 468.96, 196.88, 473.51, 205.58, 473.31, 210.52, 460.65, 225.36, 447.6, 238.41, 437.91, 239.59, 420.91, 233.07, 413.98, 246.71, 406.27, 245.92, 408.45, 232.87, 409.24, 224.17, 407.66, 221.6, 405.28, 221.6, 402.91, 226.54, 395.99, 228.12, 393.02, 229.11, 388.28, 231.88, 383.93, 236.82, 382.74, 241.17]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 3556.2197000000015, \"bbox\": [376.81, 189.76, 96.7, 56.95]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410165, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[486.34, 239.01, 477.88, 244.78, 468.26, 245.16, 464.41, 244.78, 458.64, 250.16, 451.72, 249.39, 445.56, 243.62, 448.26, 238.62, 476.72, 206.69, 481.34, 205.54, 485.57, 209.0, 500.0, 205.16, 500.0, 267.47, 500.0, 272.86, 498.26, 276.71, 489.03, 275.94, 488.65, 272.47, 494.8, 251.32, 495.95, 244.39]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1775.8932499999994, \"bbox\": [445.56, 205.16, 54.44, 71.55]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410330, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[402.59, 196.81, 410.82, 177.35, 416.81, 171.36, 428.78, 171.36, 433.27, 166.87, 451.98, 164.63, 468.44, 165.38, 480.42, 172.11, 486.4, 181.84, 487.15, 188.58, 493.14, 207.28, 486.4, 193.81, 486.4, 208.78, 481.91, 204.29, 474.43, 211.02, 468.44, 196.06, 460.96, 190.82, 446.0, 190.82, 428.04, 188.58, 412.32, 193.81]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 2049.9325499999995, \"bbox\": [402.59, 164.63, 90.55, 46.39]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410622, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[480.86, 166.6, 481.62, 161.78, 482.63, 158.99, 483.9, 156.2, 485.42, 151.63, 486.19, 147.32, 486.69, 143.0, 486.95, 139.7, 487.45, 135.13, 487.96, 132.6, 489.23, 127.52, 489.74, 125.74, 493.04, 120.92, 495.83, 120.16, 499.89, 119.91, 499.89, 145.03, 495.07, 144.27, 492.78, 148.33, 491.01, 152.65, 489.23, 160.77, 486.69, 163.56, 486.19, 164.57, 484.92, 167.11, 482.63, 167.87, 481.11, 167.87]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 419.9524499999999, \"bbox\": [480.86, 119.91, 19.03, 47.96]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410759, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[439.19, 122.67, 440.27, 115.81, 441.34, 106.38, 444.98, 100.16, 450.56, 100.38, 456.99, 101.23, 466.85, 103.59, 479.72, 108.09, 488.72, 114.53, 490.65, 119.67, 491.08, 124.82, 488.72, 131.25, 486.15, 142.4, 485.72, 148.19, 481.65, 145.4, 475.21, 139.4, 472.21, 132.97, 463.64, 125.25, 454.42, 122.46, 447.98, 122.03, 442.41, 122.25]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1266.1428000000008, \"bbox\": [439.19, 100.16, 51.89, 48.03]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410834, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[331.42, 255.49, 322.64, 250.05, 318.04, 240.02, 318.46, 250.47, 308.01, 246.71, 306.33, 237.93, 303.82, 219.96, 294.63, 220.79, 284.18, 214.94, 279.16, 212.85, 271.22, 212.01, 270.8, 204.07, 273.73, 199.05, 293.37, 192.78, 302.99, 190.69, 309.26, 191.95, 318.04, 196.13, 333.09, 195.71, 358.59, 210.76, 363.19, 221.63, 363.6, 237.93, 361.93, 261.34, 352.32, 261.76, 350.23, 251.31, 341.87, 250.05, 340.19, 255.49, 352.32, 262.18, 356.08, 264.27, 356.08, 265.94, 343.96, 264.69]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 3901.5125, \"bbox\": [270.8, 190.69, 92.8, 75.25]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1410880, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[222.29, 191.74, 233.36, 181.64, 241.18, 167.63, 248.35, 154.93, 257.47, 153.95, 281.57, 149.39, 294.27, 149.39, 300.79, 152.98, 312.84, 160.14, 317.4, 168.29, 318.38, 172.52, 321.96, 178.38, 322.29, 182.62, 321.63, 184.25, 317.07, 188.16, 317.4, 195.97, 306.0, 189.78, 301.11, 188.81, 294.27, 188.81, 281.57, 186.53, 283.2, 195.65, 277.01, 195.65, 274.73, 189.78, 269.19, 195.65, 263.33, 196.62, 263.66, 185.88, 257.47, 195.32, 249.32, 184.25, 244.44, 183.92, 233.69, 189.13, 229.13, 192.39]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 2987.1327, \"bbox\": [222.29, 149.39, 100.0, 47.23]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1411090, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[245.09, 145.01, 245.09, 138.15, 247.12, 132.57, 250.93, 126.73, 258.29, 125.21, 267.68, 125.97, 281.64, 126.23, 290.78, 127.75, 299.91, 135.62, 306.0, 140.95, 307.27, 144.25, 308.79, 149.32, 312.35, 151.86, 312.35, 155.67, 311.84, 158.97, 301.43, 153.64, 294.58, 150.08, 262.86, 150.84, 252.71, 148.05]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1372.6493000000003, \"bbox\": [245.09, 125.21, 67.26, 33.76]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1411108, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[347.3, 157.93, 341.38, 156.45, 338.91, 159.9, 341.38, 167.31, 336.94, 167.8, 328.54, 155.95, 324.59, 151.02, 321.14, 159.9, 324.1, 162.86, 324.59, 164.84, 319.66, 166.81, 314.72, 161.88, 315.71, 153.98, 315.71, 145.58, 312.25, 136.2, 305.34, 137.69, 299.91, 132.75, 299.42, 127.32, 301.88, 117.44, 311.26, 115.47, 313.73, 121.39, 328.05, 119.42, 340.39, 124.85, 353.72, 134.72, 354.22, 141.14, 363.1, 163.85, 360.63, 165.33, 355.2, 151.02, 353.72, 165.33, 347.8, 163.85, 347.3, 159.41]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1794.529700000001, \"bbox\": [299.42, 115.47, 63.68, 52.33]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1411138, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[72.59, 177.35, 73.33, 169.12, 77.08, 160.89, 80.07, 156.4, 85.31, 149.66, 88.3, 145.17, 92.04, 139.19, 96.53, 133.95, 100.27, 127.96, 104.02, 125.72, 109.25, 124.97, 118.98, 124.22, 130.21, 122.72, 136.19, 122.72, 149.66, 121.98, 161.64, 123.47, 169.87, 127.21, 170.62, 130.96, 167.62, 133.95, 163.13, 135.44, 158.64, 134.7, 146.67, 140.68, 143.68, 148.91, 143.68, 155.65, 141.43, 160.14, 141.43, 164.63, 141.43, 165.38, 136.19, 165.38, 133.2, 163.13, 131.7, 169.87, 132.45, 176.6, 132.45, 178.1, 132.45, 178.85, 127.96, 178.85, 122.72, 165.38, 122.72, 163.88, 120.48, 168.37, 116.74, 173.61, 114.49, 178.1, 110.75, 177.35, 110.75, 171.36, 115.99, 161.64, 115.99, 153.4, 114.49, 151.16, 111.5, 149.66, 109.25, 151.91, 102.52, 152.66, 98.78, 152.66, 96.53, 151.16, 91.29, 157.15, 83.06, 161.64, 77.82, 167.62, 76.33, 170.62, 75.58, 173.61, 77.08, 176.6, 75.58, 177.35]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 2469.0984000000003, \"bbox\": [72.59, 121.98, 98.03, 56.87]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1411160, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[389.47, 161.42, 391.37, 145.58, 400.25, 136.08, 416.09, 123.41, 438.26, 118.34, 464.88, 122.14, 472.48, 137.35, 480.08, 144.95, 486.42, 151.92, 483.25, 150.65, 475.01, 142.41, 470.58, 153.82, 469.94, 164.59, 461.71, 162.69, 458.54, 158.26, 458.54, 164.59, 453.47, 163.96, 447.77, 155.72, 442.06, 157.62, 440.8, 158.89, 438.9, 162.69, 430.03, 167.13, 423.69, 163.32, 426.86, 156.99, 426.22, 147.48, 421.15, 145.58, 417.35, 146.22, 408.48, 146.85, 401.51, 151.29, 398.98, 156.35, 398.98, 159.52, 398.34, 164.59, 397.08, 164.59]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 2642.9447999999984, \"bbox\": [389.47, 118.34, 96.95, 48.79]},\n",
" {\"id\": 1411174, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[234.05, 180.69, 230.62, 180.38, 228.13, 183.18, 229.07, 185.37, 222.83, 190.04, 219.4, 183.18, 218.78, 186.61, 216.28, 185.37, 217.53, 179.13, 216.91, 172.9, 213.17, 165.41, 204.44, 164.17, 193.53, 163.54, 192.28, 156.06, 190.72, 156.06, 184.48, 154.19, 183.55, 155.75, 188.23, 157.31, 191.65, 157.93, 186.98, 160.42, 179.81, 157.93, 181.68, 149.83, 187.6, 149.2, 194.46, 149.2, 204.12, 143.59, 215.04, 142.97, 221.27, 144.21, 232.49, 146.71, 246.84, 146.08, 263.98, 151.7, 270.53, 150.45, 258.68, 153.88, 247.46, 156.06]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1653.885, \"bbox\": [179.81, 142.97, 90.72, 47.07]},\n",
" {\"id\": 2210312, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 0, \"segmentation\": [[40.18, 136.53, 43.72, 132.05, 46.31, 112.74, 47.01, 107.08, 53.14, 101.43, 66.09, 101.67, 70.33, 103.32, 79.52, 110.85, 84.23, 116.51, 84.23, 120.98, 80.7, 134.47, 82.82, 147.43, 80.23, 150.26, 75.75, 137.07, 76.93, 134.0, 74.34, 134.71, 76.69, 145.54, 75.51, 150.26, 71.04, 148.61, 69.16, 141.07, 65.15, 132.83, 63.74, 134.47, 65.86, 145.07, 59.5, 145.54, 57.61, 127.41, 56.91, 119.4, 50.78, 119.87, 48.19, 130.23, 43.72, 138.01, 40.89, 140.36, 39.48, 142.72, 38.77, 139.66]], \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 1242.647, \"bbox\": [38.77, 101.43, 45.46, 48.83]},\n",
" {\"id\": 902200245915, \"category_id\": 22, \"iscrowd\": 1, \"segmentation\": {\"size\": [333, 500], \"counts\": [26454, 2, 651, 3, 13, 1, 313, 12, 6, 3, 312, 21, 310, 23, 310, 22, 310, 21, 12, 4, 296, 20, 12, 6, 294, 19, 13, 8, 293, 18, 14, 9, 292, 16, 15, 10, 292, 14, 17, 10, 292, 13, 17, 11, 293, 11, 17, 12, 293, 9, 18, 13, 294, 7, 19, 13, 295, 5, 19, 14, 297, 2, 19, 15, 318, 15, 318, 15, 318, 14, 319, 14, 319, 13, 320, 12, 321, 12, 321, 11, 322, 11, 322, 10, 323, 8, 326, 5, 10330, 16, 317, 17, 310, 24, 307, 27, 297, 36, 294, 39, 291, 42, 289, 44, 289, 44, 288, 44, 289, 44, 288, 44, 289, 35, 1, 6, 290, 24, 309, 22, 310, 21, 312, 22, 310, 24, 309, 24, 308, 25, 308, 25, 309, 39, 294, 40, 293, 41, 292, 42, 290, 43, 290, 43, 290, 43, 289, 44, 288, 45, 287, 45, 286, 47, 286, 46, 287, 44, 289, 40, 292, 46, 287, 47, 285, 49, 284, 50, 283, 50, 283, 29, 1, 20, 283, 25, 6, 19, 283, 22, 9, 19, 283, 22, 10, 18, 283, 22, 10, 17, 284, 22, 11, 16, 284, 22, 12, 14, 285, 21, 15, 10, 286, 22, 311, 22, 311, 22, 311, 22, 311, 22, 311, 22, 311, 22, 312, 20, 312, 21, 312, 21, 312, 21, 312, 20, 313, 19, 314, 19, 314, 18, 315, 18, 315, 17, 316, 17, 316, 17, 317, 16, 317, 16, 318, 15, 318, 15, 319, 14, 320, 13, 320, 13, 320, 13, 321, 11, 322, 12, 322, 11, 323, 10, 325, 8, 93429]}, \"image_id\": 245915, \"area\": 3188, \"bbox\": [79, 127, 140, 57]}\n",
" ],\n",
" \"categories\": [\n",
" {\"supercategory\": \"vehicle\",\"id\": 2,\"name\": \"bicycle\"},\n",
" {\"supercategory\": \"animal\",\"id\": 22,\"name\": \"elephant\"}\n",
" ]\n",
"source": [
"with open(annotation_path) as json_file:\n",
" lines = json_file.readlines()\n",
"for line in lines:\n",
" print(line)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.5.2"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2
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Hi @akTwelve awesome notebook.
I noticed the local file branch of this doesn't work.

        # Open the image
        if use_url:
            image_path = image['coco_url']
            response = requests.get(image_path)
            image =
            # this branch does not work because it needs to base64 encode the image
            image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image['file_name'])
            image =

Here is the fix:

import base64

            image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image['file_name'])
            image =

            buffer = BytesIO()
  , format='PNG')
            data_uri = base64.b64encode('ascii')
            image_path = "data:image/png;base64,{0}".format(data_uri)

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Thanks for sharing this fix! I’ll take a look when I get a chance.

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akTwelve commented Mar 8, 2020

@madhavajay, I updated the gist with your suggested fix. Thanks again for the fix!

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zeeshanalipanhwar commented Dec 21, 2020

Hi @akTwelve, upon visualizing my own custom dataset I noticed that the masks of some instances did not get displayed while those of some did. This was due to segmentation_points being a numpy array, so sometimes the array when stringified looked like this '241, 5, 242, ..., 244, 5, 245]'. It can be avoided by adding:
segmentation_points = list (segmentation_points) after the following line of the function display_image in the notebook.
segmentation_points = np.multiply(segmentation_points, adjusted_ratio).astype(int).

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Thanks for sharing!
I quickly added the option to visualize keypoints. I simply added the parameter in the display_image function:

def display_image(self, image_id, show_polys=True, show_bbox=True, show_crowds=True, show_keypoints=True, use_url=False):

and in the function body below the if show_bbox block I added:

if show_keypoints:
    for i, segm in enumerate(self.segmentations[image_id]):
        keypoints = segm.get('keypoints', None)
        if not keypoints is None:
            for k in range(0, segm.get('num_keypoints', 0)):
                x = keypoints[k * 3 + 0]
                y = keypoints[k * 3 + 1]
                visibility = keypoints[k * 3 + 2]
                html += '<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="3" fill="{}" />'.format(x, y, "red")

this will draw all keypoints using red svg circles, regardless of their visibility.

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Thank you for sharing!

For photos with non-landscape orientation I had to add this to your code:

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