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I may be slow to respond.

Tim Aßmann aka47

I may be slow to respond.
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# Rack::Test doesn't support hitting external webservers. However, when a user enters their credit card info,
# it is submitted directly to braintree, so we need to intregration test with hitting an external server.
# This hack enabled this, by swapping out the Rack::Test's rack app with a Rack::Client instance.
# Rack::Client acts just like a rack app, but under the covers it delegates to Net::HTTP.
require 'rack/client'
module RackTestHack
def new(*a, &b)
hoverlover /
Created November 23, 2011 18:24 — forked from boriscy/install-ruby-debug-ubuntu-ruby-1.9.3
ruby-debug in ruby-1.9.3 and rbenv
# These instructions are for Ruby 1.9.3 under rbenv.
# To install ruby-debug19 for ruby-1.9.3 you need to download the following gems from
#Then in your console
bastien / content.rb
Created July 6, 2012 09:58
Paperclip processor to convert PDF to JPG to go around problems with the old versions of imagemagick and ghostscript available on Heroku. This file is located in [APP_ROOT]/lib/paperclip_processors/ghostscript.rb
# Model using the ghostscript processor
class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :resource,
:styles => { :preview => ["725x1200>", :jpg], :thumb => ["100x140>", :jpg] },
:processors => [:ghostscript, :thumbnail],
:convert_options => { :all => '-colorspace RGB -flatten -density 300 -quality 100' },
:path => ":page_path/:class/:id/:resource_token/:style/:filename"
Rodrigora / request_macros.rb
Created September 19, 2015 21:50
Helper for requests specs with authenticity token
module RequestMacros
def login_user(user = nil)
user = create(:user, password: 'password') unless user
# ensure password is valid when `user` is provided
expect(user.valid_password?('password')).to be(true)
# ensure user is confirmed
ryanb /
Created May 6, 2011 01:10
The Changelogs for Rails 3.1 Beta 1

Railties 3.1 RC4

  • The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. [fxn]

  • Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. [fxn]

  • Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby [Rashmi Yadav]

  • Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby [Vishnu Atrai]

mckeed / strong_parameters.rb
Created June 5, 2012 22:24
Before filters to make rails/strong_parameters work with CanCan's load_resource or load_and_authorize_resource.
require 'strong_parameters'
class ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
class ActionController::Base
# Use this with CanCan's load_resource to permit a set of params before
# it tries to build or update a resource with them.
jwhulette / .htaccess
Last active July 25, 2021 23:03
[A base .htaccess with HTTPS redirect behind an AWS Load Balancer] #apache #aws
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
# Force HTTPS - Proto needed for AWS ELB
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^ELB-HealthChecker
jklimke /
Created July 17, 2020 13:12
script for executing rails delayed jobs in a blocking manner, e.g., for running in an docker container
# Variable DELAYED_JOB_ARGS contains the arguments for delayed jobs for, e.g. defining queues and worker pools.
# function that is called when the docker container should stop. It stops the delayed job processes
_term() {
echo "Caught SIGTERM signal! Stopping delayed jobs !"
# unbind traps
trap - SIGTERM
trap - TERM
xdamman /
Created July 2, 2014 21:03
Install latest ffmpeg on ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04
# Bash script to install latest version of ffmpeg and its dependencies on Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04
# Inspired from
# Remove any existing packages:
sudo apt-get -y remove ffmpeg x264 libav-tools libvpx-dev libx264-dev
# Get the dependencies (Ubuntu Server or headless users):
sudo apt-get update
# In your test_helper.rb
class ActiveRecord::Base
mattr_accessor :shared_connection
@@shared_connection = nil
def self.connection
@@shared_connection || retrieve_connection