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"url": "",
"seo_recommendations": [
"issue": "Missing Videos",
"recommendation": "Insert relevant and engaging videos about educational operations to improve user engagement and time on page."
"issue": "No CTA",
"recommendation": "Include at least one clear and prominent CTA on each major section of the landing page, such as 'Contact Us', 'Learn More', or 'Get Started Today'."
"body": {
"seo_recommendations": [
"issue": "Missing Videos",
"recommendation": "Insert relevant and engaging videos to explain your services and success stories. This will improve user engagement and time on page."
"issue": "Poor Placement of CTAs",
"recommendation": "Move the primary CTAs above the fold and ensure they are clearly visible and compelling. Specific CTAs like 'Learn More' or 'Contact Us' should be easily accessible."
var chai = require("chai");
var chaiHttp = require("chai-http");
var server = require("../server");
var db = require("../models");
// Configure chai
describe("Basic Example API Test", function() {
describe("GET ALL Examples", () => {
var chai = require("chai");
var chaiHttp = require("chai-http");
var server = require("../server");
var db = require("../models");
// Configure chai
describe("Basic Example API Test", function() {
describe("GET ALL Examples", () => {
query getConversationMessages($conversationId: ID!, $after: String, $first: Int) {
allMessageConnection(conversationId: $conversationId, after: $after, first: $first) {
messages {
import numpy as np
def expSum(items):
temp = np.copy(items)
for x in np.nditer(temp, op_flags=['readwrite']):
x[...] = np.exp( x)
print "Using nditer and loop"
print temp
for row in items
import numpy as np
def expSum(items):
temp = np.copy(items)
for x in np.nditer(temp, op_flags=['readwrite']):
x[...] = np.exp( x)
print "Using nditer and loop"
print temp
print "transpose"
x = np.array((9,5,8,6,4,11)).reshape(3,2)
>>> x
array([[ 9, 5],
[ 8, 6],
[ 4, 11]])
>>> x.min(axis=0)
array([4, 5])
>>> x.min(axis=1)
array([5, 6, 4])
def expSum(items):
temp = np.copy(items)
for x in np.nditer(temp, op_flags=['readwrite']):
x[...] = np.exp( x)
return np.sum(temp)
import numpy as np
# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)
# [[ 1 2 3 4]
# [ 5 6 7 8]
# [ 9 10 11 12]]
a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])
# Use slicing to pull out the subarray consisting of the first 2 rows
# and columns 1 and 2; b is the following array of shape (2, 2):