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The Inward Journey
This story relates to Lord Shiva and Parvarti. As we know, Shiva roams freely about the Universe, never feeling separate from it. But often on these sojourns He would leave Parvarti behind on Kailas mountain. Once she confessed to the great Lord that she gets lonely when He's gone and misses Him very much. Shiva said to her, "My dear, let me take you on a special journey inside yourself. Here you'll be able to discover the means by which you will never feel lonely or feel any separation again. From then on you will be forever united with Me. But in this process, your individual nature may be entirely lost. Are you willing to undertake this journey?" "O yes, my Lord", she answered, "I am ready to go wherever You will take me. I am completely Yours. Please guide me as You see fit."
"Alright, my dear, this is what you do. Sit in asana and make yourself comfortable. Make sure your seat is level and smooth, that you are neither too warm nor too cold, that all your bodily needs and your various

setup new expo react native app

npx create-expo-app@latest --template (use template blank)

npx expo install expo-router react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens expo-linking expo-constants expo-status-bar

npx expo install babel-plugin-module-resolver

no need of App.js