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#include "bipartite-mincost.cpp"
using namespace std;
class Image{
int H, W;
vector<vector<int>> data;
vector<vector<bool>> visited;
void load_image(string name){
#include "bipartite-mincost.cpp"
using namespace std;
class Image{
int H, W;
vector<vector<int>> data;
vector<vector<bool>> visited;
void load_image(string name){
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const double INF = 1e100;
const int SH = 3, SW = 5;
const int L = 120;
const int dh[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
const int dw[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
import argparse
import os
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
from urllib import urlretrieve
url_root = ''
def download_file_by_read(url, target_folder):
# Open the url
14485334 メインページ
3868888 特別:検索
3200603 蒼穹のファフナー
1988967 星野源
1949810 -
1861189 成宮寛貴
994357 古坂大魔王
895506 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ
838400 新垣結衣
835900 真田信繁
00100,The 3n + 1 problem,194
00101,The Blocks Problem,41
00102,Ecological Bin Packing,80
00103,Stacking Boxes,185
00104,Arbitrage *,162
00105,The Skyline Problem,80
00106,Fermat vs. Phytagoras,218
00107,The Cat in the Hat,196
00108,Maximum Sum *,115
0.60 205.626
0.41 194.368
0.21 200.000
0.01 200.000
-0.13 200.000
-0.26 200.000
-0.32 200.000
-0.31 200.000
-0.37 200.000
0.600000 7.750000
0.410000 7.740000
0.210000 7.700000
0.010000 7.670000
-0.130000 7.650000
-0.260000 7.640000
-0.320000 7.690000
-0.310000 7.700000
-0.370000 7.730000
-0.370000 7.720000
time: 1416.48017801
0 (1, 5)
1.1 (0, 6)
2.1 (0, 7)
3.1 (0, 8)
4.2 (0, 9) ローギア足りてねえ!
5.3 (0, 8)
8.0 (0, 7)
208.107849346 (0, 6)
210.507849346 (0, 5)
time: 7206.20918088
1597.11241685 (0, 8)
1598.21241685 (0, 7)
1600.11241685 (0, 6)
1602.21241685 (0, 5)
1605.71241685 (0, 4)
1612.31241685 (0, 5)
1613.01241685 (0, 6)
1613.61241685 (0, 7)
1614.31241685 (0, 8)