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akngs / read_vs_skim.js
Last active September 22, 2022 01:38
GA custom event trigger which tracks reading behavior
try {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var accumScrollMove = 0;
// Set it 1 msecs to avoid div by zero error
var accumScrollTime = 1;
var latestScrollTop = 0;
var latestScrollAt = new Date();
function checkScroll() {
akngs /
Created January 27, 2023 07:46

In the distant future, the company Skyrock offers cutting-edge automated algorithmic trading services to the masses. Utilizing advanced AI technology, the algorithm scours the vast expanse of the cyber-universe, consuming news articles, blog posts, and social media feeds to predict fluctuations in the stock market.

One fateful day, the algorithm detected a sudden surge in online discussion regarding a border dispute between the mighty nations of China and India. Analyzing this data, the algorithm made bold predictions about the potential economic ramifications of a potential conflict. Without hesitation, the algorithm began executing trades, buying and selling stocks at lightning speed.

As the algorithm’s predictions spread like wildfire through the media, tensions between China and India began to rise. Economic pressures mounted, and the leaders of both nations found themselves in a precarious position. Desperate to gain a strategic advantage in the market, they were forced to consider aggressive actions.