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akoepcke / .php_cs.laravel.php
Created July 22, 2019 10:07 — forked from laravel-shift/.php-cs-fixer.php
PHP CS Fixer - Laravel Ruleset
use PhpCsFixer\Config;
use PhpCsFixer\Finder;
$rules = [
'phpdoc_indent' => true,
'binary_operator_spaces' => [
'operators' => ['=>' => null]
akoepcke / RouteDirectives.php
Created January 23, 2020 16:16 — forked from calebporzio/RouteDirectives.php
Blade Route Directives
// Register these inside a service provider:
Blade::directive('route', function ($expression) {
return "<?php echo route({$expression}) ?>";
Blade::directive('routeIs', function ($expression) {
return "<?php if (request()->routeIs({$expression})) : ?>";
akoepcke / twittermute.txt
Created January 24, 2020 19:19 — forked from IanColdwater/twittermute.txt
Here are some terms to mute on Twitter to clean your timeline up a bit.
Mute these words in your settings here:
akoepcke /
Created February 23, 2020 16:16 — forked from guillermocalvo/
Gitmoji Cheatsheet

Gitmoji Cheatsheet


  • 🎉 Initial commit
  • ⏪ Reverting changes
  • 🔀 Merging branches
  • 🙈 Adding or updating a .gitignore file
/* Apply a default duration to all .transition classes */
[class*="transition"] {
@apply duration-300;
/* Default transition class must come _before_ utilities,
so it can be overridden by any .duration-x utilities */
@tailwind utilities;
akoepcke /
Created September 21, 2020 17:49 — forked from AlexVanderbist/
`opendb` command - opens the database for a Laravel app in your GUI
opendb () {
[ ! -f .env ] && { echo "No .env file found."; exit 1; }
DB_CONNECTION=$(grep DB_CONNECTION .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
DB_HOST=$(grep DB_HOST .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
DB_PORT=$(grep DB_PORT .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
DB_DATABASE=$(grep DB_DATABASE .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
DB_USERNAME=$(grep DB_USERNAME .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
DB_PASSWORD=$(grep DB_PASSWORD .env | grep -v -e '^\s*#' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
akoepcke / gist:3f026b8588e67a755c5036c7c01bb981
Created October 16, 2020 16:30 — forked from CristinaSolana/gist:1885435
Keeping a fork up to date

1. Clone your fork:

git clone

2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:

cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream
akoepcke / App.js
Created January 4, 2021 15:58 — forked from daankauwenberg/App.js
A React cookie consent using hooks and context
import React from 'react';
import { CookieConsentProvider } from './CookieConsent'
import Page from './Page'
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Page />
akoepcke / bigger-tailwindcss-spacing-scale.js
Created January 18, 2021 09:59 — forked from vivgui/bigger-tailwindcss-spacing-scale.js
Here's a bigger spacing scale for TailwindCSS.
spacing: {
"13": '3.25rem',
"15": '3.75rem',
"17": '4.25rem',
"18": '4.5rem',
"19": '4.75rem',
"76": "19rem",
"84": "21rem",
"88": "22rem",
"92": "23rem",
akoepcke / tailwind.config.js
Created April 17, 2021 21:39 — forked from samselikoff/tailwind.config.js
Firefox plugin for Tailwind CSS. Add styles that target Firefox browser only.
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
module.exports = {
mode: "jit",
purge: {
content: ["./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx,vue}"],
theme: { extend: {} },
variants: {},
plugins: [