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Akhtarujjaman Shuvo akshuvo

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* WP_Customize_Manager->add_setting(); // adds a new setting to the database
* WP_Customize_Manager->add_section(); // adds a new section (i.e. category/group) to the Theme Customizer page
* WP_Customize_Manager->add_control(); // creates an HTML control that admins can use to change settings.
* WP_Customize_Manager->get_setting(); // can be used to fetch any existing setting, in the event you need to modify something
add_action( 'customize_register', 'my_customize_register' );
function my_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
akshuvo / custom-post-taxonomy-permalinks.php
Created May 8, 2018 07:30 — forked from kasparsd/custom-post-taxonomy-permalinks.php
Create permalink structure URLs for custom post types that include all parent terms from a custom taxonomy
Term Archive Pages:
Single Recipe Pages:
akshuvo /
Created June 2, 2018 06:09 — forked from hitautodestruct/
Generate a custom structure for Wordpress menus.

This gist is for showing an example of a custom wordpress menu.

If you want to get more from the menu item simply have a look at the $item object. i.e:

// Will return a large object with lots of props like title, url, description, id etc.
var_dump( $item );

This code works on Wordpress 4.1.1 as of 31st of March 2015

akshuvo / wp-change-one-page.php
Created July 1, 2018 18:58 — forked from bekarice/wp-change-one-page.php
Apply code or styles to a single page in WordPress
* Change styles applied to one page
* Uses 'wp' to run after WP class object so page content is available
function sv_hide_header_footer_for_page() {
if( is_page( 2576 ) ) {
?> <style>
akshuvo / woocommerce_update_shipping_costs.php
Created October 15, 2018 08:35 — forked from neamtua/woocommerce_update_shipping_costs.php
WooCommerce: Update shipping costs on checkout using ajax
<script type="text/javascript">
/* in order to update info on your checkout page you need to trigger update_checkout function
so add this in your javascript file for your theme or plugin
/* what this does is update the order review table but what it doesn't do is update shipping costs;
the calculate_shipping function of your shipping class will not be called again;
so if you were like me and you made a shipping method plugin and you had to change costs based on payment method then
add_shortcode( 'global_recent_posts', 'global_recent_posts_sc' );
function global_recent_posts_sc( $atts ) {
$atts = wp_parse_args( $atts, array(
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'post_title',
'is_meta' => 0,
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'recentglobalpostsdisplay' => 'title_content',
'recentglobalpostsnumber' => '5',
function bd_woocommerce_quantity_input_args( $args, $product ) {
$args['input_value'] = 1; // Starting value
$args['max_value'] = 800; // Maximum value
$args['min_value'] = 1; // Minimum value
$args['step'] = 1; // Quantity steps
return $args;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 'bd_woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 10, 2 );
* Plugin Name: Custom Fields for WooCommerce
* Description: Add custom fields to WooCommerce products
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Gareth Harris
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: cfwc
* WC requires at least: 3.4.0
* WC tested up to: 3.4.2
akshuvo / class-wc-query.php
Created May 6, 2019 21:38 — forked from saimonh3/class-wc-query.php
Sort product by popularity with price greater than zero
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', function( $qeury ) {
if ( empty( $qeury->query_vars['orderby'] ) || 'popularity' !== $qeury->query_vars['orderby'] ) {
add_filter( 'posts_clauses', function( $args ) {
$args['orderby'] = ' CASE wc_product_meta_lookup.min_price WHEN 0 THEN 1
END ASC, wc_product_meta_lookup.total_sales DESC, wc_product_meta_lookup.product_id DESC
akshuvo / ThzelGetElementSettings.php
Created May 22, 2019 08:32 — forked from danyj/ThzelGetElementSettings.php
Pull any Elementor options outside of Elementor
* @package Thz Framework
* @author Themezly
* @license GNU/GPLv2 only
* @websites | |
class ThzelGetElementSettings {