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Alain Ravet alainravet

  • Braine l'Alleud, Belgium
View GitHub Profile
# TODO :
# 1 : return the attributes that are missing
# 2 : in views, also test presence of documents
require_relative 'completeness_measure'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'
describe CompletenessMeasure do
module DefaultValues
def has_default_values(default_values = {})
cattr_accessor :default_values
self.default_values = default_values
after_initialize :assign_default_values
include InstanceMethods
require 'active_record'
require 'database_cleaner'
connection_info = YAML.load_file("config/database.yml")["test"]
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction
alainravet / service object with on_success and on_failure hooks.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Service Object with on_success and on_failure blocks
# Library code:
class BasicServiceObject
attr_reader :object
def initialize(o)
@object = o
alainravet / RPM calculator.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
a RPN calculator in 19 lines of Ruby
def RPN(*data)
stack = []
data.each do |el|
case el
when :+, :-, :*, :/, :&, :|, :<< # 1,2,3,:*,:+ == 1 + 2 $ 3
a, b = stack.pop(2)
stack.push a.send(el.to_sym, b)
when Class # 3,Float == Float(3)
stack.push send(, stack.pop)
when Symbol # '1+2',:eval == eval('1+2')
alainravet / hash-diff.rb
Created October 15, 2015 06:43
how to diff 2 hashes
class Hash
def diff(other)
(self.keys + other.keys).uniq.inject({}) do |memo, key|
unless self[key] == other[key]
if self[key].kind_of?(Hash) && other[key].kind_of?(Hash)
memo[key] = self[key].diff(other[key])
memo[key] = [self[key], other[key]]
alainravet / regexp_parser.rb
Created January 15, 2016 14:03
a basic Regexp-based parser
# what: a Regexp-based parser. alainravet - 2016 jan
/^PRINT\b/ => {
/^PRINT\s*\z/ => :new_line_command,
/^PRINT (.*)/ => :print_command,
/HELP/i => :help_command,
class Fixnum
def to_roman
[].tap do |res|
a, b = self.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX))[b]
a, b = a.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC))[b]
a, b = a.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM))[b]
a, b = a.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(M MM MMM Mv v vM vMM vMMM Mx))[b]
a, b = a.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(x xx xxx xl l lx lxx lxxx xc))[b]
a, b = a.divmod(10) ; res << ([''] + %w(c cc ccc cd d dc dcc dccc cm))[b]
alainravet /
Created July 29, 2016 07:45
git merge vs rebase+merge sample generation
slip() {
sleep 1
rm -rf contents
mkdir contents
cd contents
git init