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Install Drupal CS using Composer

1. Install composer globally

Detailed information about this step can be found here.

2. Install PHP Code Sniffer and Coder

composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^2.9
composer global require drupal/coder ^8.2

3. Use Drupal standards by default

* $(document).ready() block.
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("Document loaded!");
* Shorthand for $(document).ready().
alan-ps /
Last active December 24, 2016 21:51
Drupal 7: use update functionality after first module installation.

Use code below in the .install file of your module (my_module).


 * Implements hook_install().
function my_module_install() {
  // Set an initial value for the schema version so we can run updates
 // after install (for first installation only).
alan-ps /
Last active October 5, 2018 17:19
Installing drush using composer

Install Drush using Composer

1. Install composer globally

Detailed information about this step can be found here.

2. Drush installation

composer global require drush/drush:8.*
composer global update

We can state any Drush version we need. We can also roll back to a necessary release version of Drush using commands above. Now, we can use Drush:

alan-ps /
Last active October 13, 2021 19:47
Run sudo command without a password

In order to run any sudo commands without typing a password we should add next two lines into /etc/sudoers at the end of the file (use sudo for open this file).

User_Alias ADMINS = username

where username is the user to whom permissions should be granted.