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aleh-rudzko /
Created July 7, 2017 12:10 — forked from jasonwyatt/
Python script to back up MongoDB databases given a MongoDB URL and output directory path. If no Mongo URL is given, it will default to checking for a MONGOLAB_URI config variable with `heroku config`.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import argparse
import logging
import datetime
import urlparse
import subprocess
aleh-rudzko /
Created December 28, 2017 12:05 — forked from vielhuber/
PostgreSQL: Backup and restore pg_dump with password on command line #sql
# best practice: linux
nano ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
# best practice: windows
edit %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf
# linux
import UIKit
class ResponsiveView: UIView {
override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
class ViewController: UIViewController {