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Alen Vodopijevec alenkovich

  • Rudjer Boskovic Institute
  • Zagreb
View GitHub Profile
alenkovich / gist:9596992
Last active February 27, 2017 21:58
EPrints - OpenAIRE Guidelines compliance example (New set, filters and output formating)
3 files shown
FILE: <EPrints>/archives/ARCHIVE_ID/cfg/cfg.d/
# don't use Export::OAI_DC for oai_dc metadataPrefix...
$c->{plugins}->{"Export::OAI_DC"}->{params}->{metadataPrefix} = undef;
# ...use Export::OAI_DC_Ext instead
$c->{plugins}->{"Export::OAI_DC_Ext"}->{params}->{metadataPrefix} = "oai_dc";
# touch bla.txt
# git init
# git add -A
# git commit -a -m 'initial commit'
# git remote add laravel git://
# git fetch laravel
# git checkout -b framework laravel/master
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// The Q2 options relevant to the Q1 options
teacherLists = {
C1 : 'T1,T3,T5',
C2 : 'T1,T2,T3,T4',
C3 : 'T2,T3,T4,T5',
C4 : 'T1,T4,T6',
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i br0 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Make audio louder
ffmpeg -i lecture3_2013.16.09.ogv -vn audio.ogg
ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -vol 2048 audio-loud.ogg
ffmpeg -i lecture3_2013.16.09.ogv -vcodec copy -an lecture3_2013.16.09-nosound.ogv
ffmpeg -i lecture3_2013.16.09-nosound.ogv -i audio-loud.ogg -vcodec copy lecture3_2013.16.09-loud.ogv
in cfg.d create file
in that file is definition of an eprint automatic field that is stored with eprint if creators have an ID
that way we can use only those authors/creators that have matching ID
next we have to update database
/usr/share/eprints3/bin/epadmin update ARHCIVE
afther that we have to recommit all eprints so autocomplete field can create those values for stored eprints
/usr/share/eprints3/bin/epadmin recommit ARCHIVE eprint
alenkovich /
Created March 16, 2017 12:34 — forked from ma2thieu/
replace php short tags (<?) with long one (<?php)
# first short tags with something that is not a letter after
find . -iname "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sed -i -r 's/(<\?)([^a-zA-Z])/\1php\2/g' '{}'
# then short tags at end of line
find . -iname "*.php" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} sed -i -r 's/<\?$/<\?php/g' '{}'
Place this in the "Question validation equation" field:
this <= date('Y')
And, something like this in the "Question validation tip" field:
{if(this <= date('Y'), 'Okay', 'Try again!')}
### $ sudo apt-get install cryptsetup
### $ cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sdb1
### $ cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdb1
$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 sdb1
### $ mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/sdb1