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Alexander Aivars alexaivars

  • Aivars AB
  • Sweden
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alexaivars / teaser.jsx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
class Teaser extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<article className="teaser">
<TeaserLink link={}>
<Picture src={this.props.cover} type="square"/>
<h1>{this.props.description}, {this.props.title}</h1>
class Teaser extends React.Component {
render() {
var model = this.props.model;
return (
<article className="teaser">
<TeaserLink link={}>
<Picture model={model.cover} type="square"/>
<div className="teaser__text">
alexaivars /
Created December 5, 2012 13:19
Simple localstorage polyfill
# [global] localstorage
# A simple cookie based polyfill for localStorage
unless Modernizr.localstorage
window.localStorage =
length: 0
setItem: (key, value) ->
alexaivars /
Created November 16, 2012 10:11
a simple node.js ajax get to post proxy server.
http = require("http")
q = require("querystring")
url = require("url")
server = http.createServer().listen 9006
server.on "request", (req, res) ->
params = url.parse(req.url, true).query
callbackFn = "callback"
if params.url is undefined or params.url is ""
alexaivars /
Created January 12, 2012 08:41
Getter Setter patter for Coffeescript
Function::define = (prop, desc) ->
Object.defineProperty this.prototype, prop, desc
class GetterSetterTest
constructor: (@_obj = {}) ->
# 'obj' is defined via the prototype, the definition proxied through
# to 'Object.defineProperty' via a function called 'define' providing
# some nice syntactic sugar. Remember, the value of '@' is
# GetterSetterTest itself when used in the body of it's class definition.
alexaivars /
Created November 1, 2011 13:27
Use fabric with a vagrant instance
from fabric.api import env, local, run
def vagrant():
# change from the default user to 'vagrant'
env.user = 'vagrant'
# connect to the port-forwarded ssh
env.hosts = ['']
# use vagrant ssh key
result = local('vagrant ssh_config | grep IdentityFile', capture=True)
alexaivars / gist:1316269
Created October 26, 2011 12:57
quick n dirty solv
function zeroFill( number, width )
width -= number.toString().length;
if ( width > 0 )
return new Array( width + (/\./.test( number ) ? 2 : 1) ).join( '0' ) + number;
return number;
alexaivars / gist:1038970
Created June 21, 2011 21:37 — forked from jacobastrom/gist:1038045
Alex Aivars Worldwide!
Alex Aivars Worldwide! Site is forked from Jacob Åström Worldwide.
I help companies and organizations create what they normally don’t,
make things they didn’t know they could and do things they
wouldn’t think was possible. Always digital to most extent.
But then again – what isn’t?
Open for inquiries (or, at least, tea).
alexaivars / Rakefile
Created April 11, 2011 11:03 — forked from andreyvit/Rakefile
sass, haml & coffescript watcher
require 'rake/clean'
include ::Rake::DSL
BIN = "public_html"
HAML = FileList['**/*.haml']
LESS = FileList['**/*.less']
COFFEE = FileList['**/*.coffee']
SASS = FileList['**/*.scss']