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Alexandra alexapgutierrez

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adamjspooner / _config.yml
Created May 24, 2011 06:08
A Jekyll plugin to convert .styl to .css.
compress: true
path: ./path/to/styl
mikejolley / gist:2044101
Last active May 18, 2021 17:02
WooCommerce - Show number of and total
<a class="cart-contents" href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'View your shopping cart' ); ?>"><?php echo sprintf ( _n( '%d item', '%d items', WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ), WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ); ?> - <?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_total(); ?></a>
ramseyp / hide-editor.php
Created November 12, 2012 15:48
Hide the content editor for certain pages in WordPress
* Hide editor on specific pages.
add_action( 'admin_init', 'hide_editor' );
function hide_editor() {
// Get the Post ID.
greglinch / the_slug.php
Created December 5, 2012 04:28
create the_slug() function for WordPress
function the_slug($echo=true){
$slug = basename(get_permalink());
do_action('before_slug', $slug);
$slug = apply_filters('slug_filter', $slug);
if( $echo ) echo $slug;
do_action('after_slug', $slug);
return $slug;
// credit:
gollum23 / superlog
Created February 3, 2016 02:52
Superlog Curso git platzi
git config --global alias.superlog "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all"
atomtigerzoo / wordpress-disable-yoast-seo-on-custom-post-type.php
Created March 31, 2016 12:39
Wordpress: Disable Yoast SEO on Custom Post Type
function my_remove_wp_seo_meta_box() {
remove_meta_box('wpseo_meta', YOUR_POST_TYPE_NAME_HERE, 'normal');
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'my_remove_wp_seo_meta_box', 100);