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// Simple tool to store all integers which are missing in the float representation.
// Missing means here that if you convert integer into float and then back into
// integer you will not get the same integer. This experiment reveals that for
// 96.5% of all integers n != int(float(n))
// It appears that missing integers go in blocks of length 2, 6, 14, 30, 62
// and 126 of consecutive numbers (8388608 blocks of each type).
// And there is one single integer -33554431 who stands apart.
"""Illustration for various types of namespace scopes in TensorFlow.
> python
foo_name_scoped : v:0 foo_name_scoped/v2:0 Variable:0 Variable_1:0 foo_name_scoped/Add:0
foo_op_scoped :
alexgorban / assert_almost_equal_answer.txt
Last active December 15, 2017 23:35
Debugging broken tests can be very tricky
Can you spot a problem in the code?
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(A, B, decimal=7)
Error log:
Arrays are not almost equal to 7 decimals
(mismatch 18.75%)