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Alexis Bernard alexisbernard

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alexisbernard / gist:179712
Created September 2, 2009 13:28
Parse date with I18n
# File: config/initializers/date.rb
# Parse date using Rails I18n or Ruby parse method if it failed.
class Date
class << self
def _parse_with_i18n(str, format = :default)
format ||= :default
date = Date._strptime(str, I18n.translate("date.formats.#{format}")) || _parse_without_i18n(str)
date[:year] += increment_year(date[:year].to_i) if date[:year]
alexisbernard / gist:270727
Created January 6, 2010 22:12
The root resource
# This enables the '/' resource:
# map.resources :knickers, :as => ''
# GET /blabla
# => KnickersController#show params = {:controller = 'knickers', :action => 'show, :id => 'blabla'}
module ActionController
module Resources
class Resource #:nodoc:
def path
@path ||= path_segment.blank? ? path_prefix.to_s : "#{path_prefix}/#{path_segment}"
alexisbernard / gist:270730
Created January 6, 2010 22:14
Generate random string
# Generates a random String
# 'abc'.rand(10) # => 'aacbacccbc'
class String
def rand(length)
(1..length).inject('') {|str, i| str << self[Kernel::rand(self.length)]}
alexisbernard / gist:270744
Created January 6, 2010 22:27
Fluent factory
# Fluent Factory overrides the new class method to provide an intuitive factory.
# Instead of using
# MyFactory.new_instance(args)
# Which may return an instance of MyClass, you now use
# The second way is more intuitive and the big advantage is to use it rails and
# inheritance.
# Read the full example below to understand how to use it.
# class Animal
alexisbernard / gist:270749
Created January 6, 2010 22:28
Fluent scopes
# Called dynamically named scopes on a model
module Fluent
module Scopes
def self.included(klass)
# The code below fixes the following statement:
# @project = Project.find(123)
# @project.developers.apply_scopes(filters).find
# Without the code below the condition where developers.project_id = 123 is erased
# by apply_scopes, because filters are built from the class Developer instead of
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '/home/alexis/veritas/lib'
require 'veritas'
include Veritas
header =[[:name, String], [:is_admin, Integer], [:is_author, Integer]])
body = [['Foo', 1, 1], ['Bar', 1, 0], ['Baz', 0, 1]].each
users =, body)
admins =, body).restrict { |r| r[:is_admin].eq(1) }
alexisbernard / prepare-commit-msg
Created January 3, 2012 17:21
Git hook to append Pivotal's story tag
# File: .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# Append the Pivotal's story tag at the end of the commit message.
# Your branch must be named like this: my_branch_12345.
story=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD|sed -rn 's/^.*_([[:digit:]]+)/\1/p') # -E instead of -r for Mac OS X
test $story && echo "[Story#$story]" >> $1
exit 0
alexisbernard / infinite_string_stub.rb
Created January 25, 2012 17:05
Infinite string stub
# # => 'baz'
class InfiniteStringStub < String
def method_missing(name)
alexisbernard /
Created September 6, 2012 07:44
Public key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAznBfbfnCJMibMMPSI7Fxeo02Y9fgy7yrMVlON2AKhTB3QMhjUORqONRCQG6g1qHJX2Osg/NQ6kxZEU7pHC8aTCXpPnKMrSWz/73B3vSsfV2dZIp1q5pz35MGqCkXKhfM7xO8NHGbzzVOs9mNb0txWU1fPI9parPqCvosjFKN5uJDpMUKV3yVwqztsSgRp9hwMtErg5SkBeRbFYRl2Aa1pEmRwjwdQyS23B4uwus9cFE2xkR86FOkJu4/5Rr1WKmqOLFyObjk1MSwYqfmHtCgwO0GWB3OTYtQbBD/4UC159efKDKvivVqCnItzg2huHsSRr4JugnQ7AIpKhbnrIUx9w== alexis
alexisbernard / net_http_extension.rb
Created December 30, 2012 09:12
Convenient way to fetch URLs. It follows redirections and handles SSL.
# Convenient way to fetch URLs. It follows redirections and handles SSL. Usage:
# Net::HTTP.fetch_url('')
# Net::HTTP.fetch_url('')
module Net
class HTTP
def self.fetch_url(url, limit = 10)
raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0
url = URI.parse(url)
options = {use_ssl: url.scheme.downcase == 'https'}
request = + '?' + url.query.to_s)