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Scale: Independent | Network | Chain
Meetings: Casual | Scheduled
Cost: Free | Rent | Membership
Physical Space Longevity: Permanent | Semi-permanent | Temporary
Layout: Open | Closed
I am Ching Chan, a principle assurance manager in one of the banks in Malaysia.
I am contacting you in regards to the 12 Million United States Dollars belonging to my late client. The bank has given me an ultimatum to provide a member of his family and all efforts to get his relatives has been unsuccessful. Since you are having the same surname with my client I want to present you as the rightful person to put claim on the money. Please reply to my private email for further details and instructions.
Ching Chan
Connected to ChoiceShirts FTP server
Skipping Orders020112183600.csv - already in status=Finished
Skipping Orders020212183615.csv - already in status=Finished
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Skipping Orders021312183440.csv - already in status=Finished
We will continue to make available our existing products,
and we will provide support and critical updates to our
users. However, as we’ll be busy with new projects at
Google, we do not plan to release new features for the
Sparrow apps.
A fermata is an element of musical notation indicating that the note should be sustained. Exactly how much longer it is held is up to the discretion of the performer.
curl \
-u sk_IHiqfU9wqFlw0TTOhqGINBkQXAR8g: \
-d type=corporation \
-d tax_id=00000000 \
-d "" \
-d "description=My first recipient"
"id": "rp_2xxM6RpowUl7nz",
"object": "recipient",
"created": 1384817304,
"livemode": true,
"type": "corporation",
"description": "My First Recipient",
"email": "",
"verified": false,
curl \
-u sk_IHiqfU9wqFlw0TTOhqGINBkQXAR8g: \
-d "bank_account[country]=US" \
-d "bank_account[routing_number]=110000000" \
-d "bank_account[account_number]=000123456789"
"id": "btok_2yzG1vVgKGfEtq",
"livemode": true,
"created": 1384803540,
"used": false,
"object": "token",
curl \
-u sk_IHiqfU9wqFlw0TTOhqGINBkQXAR8g: \
-d bank_account=btok_2yzG1vVgKGfEtq