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Alex Myczko alexmyczko

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Manually fixing bit flips in BTRFS

Somehow my BTRFS file system became corrupted by what appears to be a single bit flip in a metadata field. Rather than copying all the data and reformatting the file system, which would have required another disk at least as large as the original, I decided to try to fix this manually, which appears to have worked. I've documented the procedure I've used here, in case I need it again or someone else runs into a similar issue and finds it useful.

The first thing you should do is run btrfs check. For me this produced the following output:

Opening filesystem to check...
Checking filesystem on /dev/nvme0n1p1
UUID: ec7afe1c-8478-450a-82fc-d17b32d8ca3d
metametapod /
Last active May 18, 2024 00:06
Script to automatically update hosts file from a filter list

Minimal script to quickly update hosts file from a filter list.

Note that this does not replace the entirety of the hosts file, so previous customizations will remain intact.


Download the update_hosts script below or run:

$ curl --proto "=https" --tlsv1.2 -o update_hosts

How to make a small tweak to free software

The target audience for this is people who are beginners at software engineering and using linux. A lot of the information here may be obvious or already known to you. The language involved is C but you do not need to know any C to read this tutorial. I used mg to write this blog post. I used vs code to edit the source code.

This post is also available on gopher://

If you use a piece of free software and it's 99% perfect but there's just this one thing it does that annoys the hell out of you.. you can in theory just fix it! Here's a look at what doing that is like. Hopefully it inspires you, or you pick up a could tricks on the way!

Step 0: Have a problem

# IDA (disassembler) and Hex-Rays (decompiler) plugin for Apple AMX
# WIP research. (This was edited to add more info after someone posted it to
# Hacker News. Click "Revisions" to see full changes.)
# Copyright (c) 2020 dougallj
# Based on Python port of VMX intrinsics plugin:
# Copyright (c) 2019 w4kfu - Synacktiv
fay59 / Quirks of
Last active January 23, 2024 04:24
Quirks of C

Here's a list of mildly interesting things about the C language that I learned mostly by consuming Clang's ASTs. Although surprises are getting sparser, I might continue to update this document over time.

There are many more mildly interesting features of C++, but the language is literally known for being weird, whereas C is usually considered smaller and simpler, so this is (almost) only about C.

1. Combined type and variable/field declaration, inside a struct scope []

struct foo {
   struct bar {
 int x;
steven2358 /
Last active June 7, 2024 12:16
FFmpeg cheat sheet
varqox /
Last active May 24, 2024 16:43
Instructions how to install Debian using debootstrap
willerce / jquery.touchwipe.js
Created January 2, 2015 18:46
jQuery Touchwipe Plugin
* jQuery Plugin to obtain touch gestures from iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, should also work with Android mobile phones (not tested yet!)
* Common usage: wipe images (left and right to show the previous or next image)
* @author Andreas Waltl, netCU Internetagentur (
* @version 1.1.1 (9th December 2010) - fix bug (older IE's had problems)
* @version 1.1 (1st September 2010) - support wipe up and wipe down
* @version 1.0 (15th July 2010)
(function($) {
xaviervia / gist:6087296
Last active January 22, 2024 13:23
Reading the output from a shell command in Objective-C
- (void) doIt {
// Define the command name and the arguments array (the nil at the end is needed)
NSArray *arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"--some-argument", @"--another", nil];
NSString *command = @"do-something-shell";
// Setup the NSTask for the command execution
NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
task.launchPath = command;
task.arguments = arguments;