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Alex Speller alexspeller

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am alexspeller on github.
  • I am alexspeller ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0360 388F 1D8E 2177 CBDE 4533 9641 1437 FE97 7542

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Quick trail is really useful but it has a few UI issues I'd love to see solved:

  1. The tab index is wrong. I'd expect the tab index to follow the order of controls. But it actually goes from title -> List -> Nowhere? -> Close button. This is weird and makes keyboard navigation hard.

  2. The list of boards includes closed boards. It probably shouldn't show them.

  3. The mechanism for activating with keyboard shortcut behaves a bit weirdly compared to similar mac os applications. Compare to e.g. NVAlt, Sparrow or Airmail - with those applications you can quickly show and hide with the keyboard shortcut, and when hiding the focus returns to the same place it was before. With QuickTrail, it takes about a second after pressing the keyboard shortcut for the quicktrail popup to get keyboard focus. Once it has got focus, once you hide the window you lose the point where your focus was at before, so if you're typing in a text field and want to add a card quickly, after adding that card you have to use the mouse to f

model: function() {
return'a').then(function(a) {
return Em.RSVP.hash({a: a, b: a.get('b'));
"links": {
"posts.comments": "{}/comments"
"posts": [{
"id": "1",
"title": "Rails is Omakase"
}, {
"id": "2",
"title": "The Parley Letter"
IRC.ChannelEventsListingView = Em.CollectionView.extend
tagName: 'ul'
classNames: ['channel-events media-list']
createChildView: (viewClass, attrs) ->
className = attrs.content.get('type').classify() + "EventView"
@_super IRC[className], attrs
class FooSerializer
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def links
bars: api_bars_url(
organization_id: object,
only_path: true
def user_params
user_params = params[:user].permit :name, :email, :password, :password_confirmation
if user_params[:password].blank? and user_params[:password_confirmation].blank?
user_params.delete :password
user_params.delete :password_confirmation
{{#each controls}}
{{#if isTypeA}}
{{type-a-component value=someProperty}}
{{#if isTypeB}}
{{type-b-component value=someProperty}}
App.formatMDN = (mdn) ->
if mdn
"#{mdn.substr 0, 3}-#{mdn.substr 3, 3}-#{mdn.substr 6, 4}"
Em.Handlebars.helper "format-mdn", App.formatMDN