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Alex Young alexyoung

View GitHub Profile
NSArray *suffixes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"th", @"st", @"nd", @"rd", nil];
NSString *suffix = nil;
NSInteger birthday = [[goal valueForKey:@"beforeBirthday"] intValue];
NSInteger offset = birthday % 10;
offset = (offset % 100) > 10 && (offset % 100) < 20 ? 0 : offset;
if (birthday > 0) {
suffix = offset > 3 ? @"th" : [suffixes objectAtIndex:offset];
} else {
suffix = @"";
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 9356825 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: DACAD640-50CA-4728-9F8B-6B39CDB98D5C
Wed Oct 27 18:10:35 2010
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x2a8ab2): Kernel trap at 0x0046d801, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x00000018, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x000006e0
EAX: 0x08bf0a9c, EBX: 0x08bf0a9c, ECX: 0x136cfe68, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0x00000018, EBP: 0x5c77bd08, ESI: 0x136cfe68, EDI: 0x0a61f968
EFL: 0x00010293, EIP: 0x0046d801, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x022d0010
require 'openid/store/interface'
module OpenID::Store
class Association
include Mongoid::Document
field :secret, :type => Binary
def from_record, secret.to_s, issued, lifetime, assoc_type)
var sys = require('sys');
var dom = [
{ tag: 'p', innerHTML: 'Test 1', color: 'green' },
{ tag: 'p', innerHTML: 'Test 2', color: 'black' },
{ tag: 'p', innerHTML: 'Test 3', color: 'red' },
{ tag: 'div', innerHTML: 'Name: Bob' }
function fakeQuery(selector) {
// Asynchronously recursively reads files
function RecursiveReader(pathName, callback) {
this.filesLeft = 1;
this.pathName = pathName;
this.callback = callback; = '';
RecursiveReader.prototype = {
{"collections":{"today":["1280937181443"],"project_tasks_1280937193983":["1280937189535"],"project_tasks_1280937163391":["1280937195297","1280937216932"],"projects":["1280937163391","1280937193983"],"inbox":["1280937240988"],"next":[]},"projects":{"1280937193983":{"name":"Project 2","id":"1280937193983","user_id":"4c597681a13071226100000a"},"1280937163391":{"name":"Project 1","notes":null,"id":"1280937163391","tags":"tag1 tag2 tag3","user_id":"4c597681a13071226100000a"}},"tasks":{"1280937189535":{"name":"Example task 3","project_id":"1280937193983","archived":false,"id":"1280937189535","user_id":"4c597681a13071226100000a"},"1280937181443":{"name":"Example task to do today","project_id":null,"archived":false,"done":false,"id":"1280937181443","user_id":"4c597681a13071226100000a"},"1280937216932":{"name":"Example task","project_id":"1280937163391","archived":false,"done":false,"id":"1280937216932","user_id":"4c597681a13071226100000a"},"1280937195297":{"name":"Example task 2","project_id":"1280937163391","archive
( It is so very hard to be an )
( on-your-own-take-care-of-yourself-becau )
( se-there-is-no-one-else-to-do-it-for-yo )
( u grown-up. )
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* When forcing the user to see settings for the first time, set firstResponder on email
* First login should automatically sync
* Font size buttons
* Sync should show progress instead of the big blank screen
* Folders with spaces
* Search should be inline instead of an icon
* New document dialog should go away (like Mail compose)
* Lazy loading
* Refresh table should only load changed documents
* Editor font setting
alias g='git status'
alias gc='git commit -a'
alias gl='git log --pretty=format:"[%h] %ae, %ar: %s" --stat'
alias gp='git push'
alias gpl='git pull'
alias gpo='git pull origin master'
alias gpu='git push origin master'
class SprocketsController < ActionController::Base
caches_page :show, :if => { SprocketsApplication.use_page_caching }
def show
render :text => minify(SprocketsApplication.source), :content_type => "text/javascript"
def minify(source)