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source .server.envrc
source ENV/bin/activate
exec $@
"consumer_key": "YOUR CONSUMER KEY",
"consumer_secret": "YOUR CUSTOMER SECRET",
"access_token_key": "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN KEY",
"access_token_secret": "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET"
port =
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
error_log /var/log/nginx/ debug;
root /home/myuser/;
sendfile on;
# if the uri is not found, look for index.html, else pass everthing to gunicorn
location / {
index index.html;
import environ
import os
root = environ.Path(__file__) - 2 # two folders back (/a/b/ - 2 = /)
env = environ.Env(DEBUG=(bool, False),) # set default values and casting
SITE_ROOT = root()
DEBUG = env('DEBUG') # False if not in os.environ
To evaluate the good or bad score of a tweet, we count the number of good and
bad words in it.
if a word is good, increase the value of good_words by one
else if a word is bad, increase the value of bad_words by one
if good_words > bad_words then it's a good tweet otherwise it's a bad tweet
import json
To evaluate the good or bad score of a tweet, we first tokenize the tweet, and then
stemmize each word in our tweet. We also associate each stem with positive and negative values,
respectively, using a dictionary.
Finally, we caculate the average word weight of a tweet, and decide if it's a good or bad one
based on that.
import json
To evaluate the good or bad score of a tweet, we first tokenize the tweet, and then
stemmize each word in our tweet. We also associate each stem with positive and negative values,
respectively, using a dictionary.
Finally, we caculate the average word weight of a tweet, and decide if it's a good or bad one
based on that.
To evaluate the good or bad score of a tweet, we first split our tweet.
We then associate each word with positive and negative values, respectively, using a dictionary.
Finally, we caculate the average word weight of a tweet, and decide if it's a good or bad one
based on that.
# Break down a string into words