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Alvin Liang aliang

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aliang / vanity_phone_number_converter.rb
Created September 2, 2014 20:34
Vanity phone number converter
# Converts a phone number with letters to a phone number with only numbers.
# Leaves any other characters untouched.
class VanityPhoneNumberConverter
'a' => '2', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '2',
'd' => '3', 'e' => '3', 'f' => '3',
'g' => '4', 'h' => '4', 'i' => '4',
'j' => '5', 'k' => '5', 'l' => '5',
'm' => '6', 'n' => '6', 'o' => '6',
'p' => '7', 'q' => '7', 'r' => '7', 's' => '7',
models = ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
models.each do |m|
last_id =
m.connection.execute("ALTER SEQUENCE #{m.table_name}_id_seq RESTART WITH #{last_id}")";
aliang / shared_examples_for_active_model.rb
Created July 7, 2016 18:47
ActiveModel::Lint tests for MiniTest 5
shared_examples_for "ActiveModel" do
require 'minitest/assertions'
require 'active_model/lint'
include MiniTest::Assertions
include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests
# This is the main difference between MiniTest 4 and 5.
# We must keep a counter of assertions.
attr_accessor :assertions
# Rails datetime_select and similar use multiparameter attributes which are
# these dawful things from the bowels of activerecord and actionpack. This
# module extends virtus models to coerce multiparameter attributes back together
# before assigning attributes.
# Here's the implementation for ActiveRecord:
# and DataMapper: