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maccman /
Created August 8, 2012 23:30
Stripe Flask Example
import os
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
import stripe
stripe_keys = {
'secret_key': os.environ['SECRET_KEY'],
'publishable_key': os.environ['PUBLISHABLE_KEY']
stripe.api_key = stripe_keys['secret_key']
# by fcicq <>, 2013.4.7, GPLv2
# Tornado 3.0 is required.
from tornado.websocket import websocket_connect, WebSocketClientConnection
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from datetime import timedelta
#echo_uri = 'ws://'
echo_uri = 'ws://'
class myws():
mihkels /
Last active October 24, 2022 19:20
Ubuntu 12.04 with flask + nginx + uwsgi
sudo apt-get update
# Now let's install all the required ubuntu packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential uwsgi nginx uwsgi-plugin-python python-pip
# PS! If you are doing this stuff for fun I do recommend to install nginx from PPA repository
# that you can find here