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Kyle Waid aliomattux

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def get_sale_address(self, cr, uid, partner_id, type, context=None):
base_search = ('parent_id', '=', partner_id)
if type == 'invoice':
preferred = 'is_default_billing'
elif type == 'delivery':
preferred = 'is_default_shipping'
preferred = False
if preferred:
from connection import NetSuiteConnect
from SuiteREST import SuiteRequest
from forms import send_error
class ExportFulfillments():
def get_picking_ids(self):
""" Retrieve a list of Picking IDS """
instance = NetSuiteConnect()
def transact_bin_move(self, cr, uid, move, context=None):
Transaction Movement Method
:param :move Browse record of stock.move
Description: Update the inventory assignment table
with data from stock.move
lock = Lock()
def get_bins(self, cr, uid, bin_selection, storage_type, list_exclusions, qty_dict, context=None):
base_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " \
"\nFROM stock_location_bin bin " \
"\nLEFT JOIN stock_inventory stock ON stock.bin_id ="
first = True
if bin_selection == 'empty':
if first:
def get_bins(self, cr, uid, bin_selection, storage_type, list_exclusions, qty_dict, context=None):
base_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " \
"\nFROM stock_location_bin bin " \
"\nLEFT JOIN stock_inventory stock ON stock.bin_id ="
first = True
if bin_selection == 'empty':
if first:
def get_bins(self, cr, uid, bin_selection, storage_type, list_exclusions, qty_dict, context=None):
""" Find a list of locations based on user-defined criteria
:param :bin_selection Selection field, Bins with no assignment, bins with assignment only, or all
:param :storage_type Filter based on a specified storage type, i.e, overstock, backstock
:param :list_exclusions List of bin_ids to exclude from the search
:param :qty_dict Quantity in bin GT/LT threshold
@return list of bin_ids with travel sequence
def ajax_label_request():
response.generic_patterns = ['*']
req = request.vars
qty = req["quantity"]
gen_prod = api_call('product.item', 'read', [int(req['item_id'])])
def _get_product_bin_info(self, products):
result = []
for product in products:
product_tmpl_id = product.product_tmpl_id
return result
def api_report_call(*args):
""" Send the report request to SuiteBrew """
uid = session.username
pwd = session.password
url = 'http' + (secure and 's' or '') + '://' + server + ':' + port
report_conn = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/xmlrpc/report')
try:, 1, 'admin', *args)
public function setFlagForOrder($incrementIds) {
* Get Core Resource
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
* Get Write Connection
$writeConnection = $resource->getConnection('core_write');