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jupiterjs / $
Created May 27, 2011 21:21
$.Controller for Alex MacCaw's Book


  • show .models() method and hookup

$.Controller - jQuery plugin factory

JavaScriptMVC's controllers are many things. They are a jQuery plugin factory. They can be used as a traditional view, making pagination widgets and grid controls. Or, they can be used as a traditional controller, initializing and controllers and hooking them up to models. Mostly, controller's are a really great way of organizing your application's code.

Controllers provide a number of handy features such as:

alivedise /
Created February 1, 2012 18:14 — forked from jupiterjs/
[翻譯] JavaScriptMVC 導覽


JavascriptMVC (JMVC)是一個基於jQuery的開放原始碼js框架。 它擁有完整的前端框架解決方案,包含打包工具,測試,代碼依賴管理,文件化,以及附帶許多有用的jQuery外掛。

JavascriptMVC的每一個項目都可以被獨立使用而不需要依賴其他項目。只看Class, Model, View, Controller部分的大小壓縮過只有7k左右,而且這之中的任何一個都還是能被獨立使用。 JavasriptMVC的輕巧及強大的獨立性使得它能應付複雜的大型web專案。

這個章節 只會 提到JavaScriptMVC的$.Class, $.Model, $.View, 和$.Controller. 下列是它們各自的敘述: