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alixaxel / plugin_DatabaseHide.php
Created January 19, 2013 21:39
Collection of Adminer Plugins
/** plugin_DatabaseHide.php
* @author Alix Axel
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
class AdminerDatabaseHide {
protected $disabled;
function AdminerDatabaseHide($disabled) {
function isVATIN($vatin)
if (preg_match('~^[125689][0-9]{8}$~', $vatin) > 0)
$vatin = str_split($vatin);
foreach (array_slice($vatin, 0, -1) as $key => $value)
alixaxel / Form.php
Last active December 11, 2015 20:59
* The MIT License
* Copyright (c) Alix Axel <>
class phunction_HTML_Form extends phunction_HTML
public static function Typography($string, $quotes = true)
if ($quotes === true)
$string = preg_replace(array("~'([^']+)'~", '~"([^"]+)"~'), array('‘$1’', '“$1”'), $string);
return preg_replace(array('~[.]{2,}~', '~--~', '~-~', '~(?<=\d)(st|nd|rd|th)\b~i'), array('…', '—', '–', '<sup>$1</sup>'), $string);
public static function Dump()
foreach (func_get_args() as $argument)
switch (gettype($argument))
case 'array':
case 'object':
alixaxel / DB.php
Last active December 11, 2015 22:19
public static function DB($query = null)
static $db = array();
static $result = array();
if (isset($db[self::$id], $query) === true)
if (empty($result[self::$id][$hash = md5($query)]) === true)
public static function Enclose($string, $delimiter = null)
if (strlen($string = trim($string)) > 0)
$string = sprintf('%2$s%1$s%2$s', trim($string, $delimiter), $delimiter);
return $string;
function Zip($input, $output)
if (class_exists('PharData', false) === true)
if (is_object($phar = new PharData($output)) === true)
if (is_dir($input) === true)
public static function Highway($path, $throttle = null)
if ((count($segments = self::Segment()) > 0) && (preg_match('~/$~', $path = ph()->Disk->Path($path)) > 0))
$class = null;
while ((is_null($segment = array_shift($segments)) !== true) && (is_dir($path . $class . $segment . '/') === true))
function RESTful($root, $convention = '_%s')
$root = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($root)), '/');
$segments = preg_replace('~/+~', '/', trim(substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), '/'));
foreach (range(0, count($segments = explode('/', $segments))) as $i)
if (is_file(sprintf('%s/%s.php', $root, $path = implode('/', array_slice($segments, 0, $i)))) === true)