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it "should move a list of file ids and destination folders" do
filebox = mock_model(Filebox)
folder = Folder.create!(:name => "origin_folder", :filebox => @filebox)
dest_folder = Folder.create!(:name => "destination_folder", :filebox => @filebox)
to_move = []
user_files = []
test_files = ["test_data_1.txt", "test_data_2.txt", "test_data_3.txt"]
test_files.each do |test_file|
temp_file = mock("UploadedTempFile", :original_filename => test_file,
:read => "my file contents",
{(() => {
if(this.isAdmin()) {
return (<span className='h4'> by
onChange= { this.handleFilterStaffMemberChange }
value= { state.filterStaffMemberID }
placeholder='All Staff'
staffMembers= {this.props.staticData.all_staff}

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